Book of Common Prayer Service
- Occurring
- Every Sunday at for 35 mins
- Venue
- Sunningdale: Holy Trinity
- Address Church Road Sunningdale Berkshire, SL5 0NJ, United Kingdom
This service will be held every week. It begins our day of worship and is held in the choir stalls at Holy Trinity. Using the 1662 prayer book communion service first written by Thomas Cranmer in 1548, this quiet service lasts between 30 and 35 minutes. A short homily of 5 minutes explores the scriptures used for the day. We have printed a new service booklet that allows those unfamiliar with this pattern of service to easily follow and take part. All are welcome to experience worship that has been held in this way (with only minor revision in 1662!!) for well over 450 years.
Book of Common Prayer Service
Every Sunday at 8 a.m. for 35 mins
Book of Common Prayer Service
Every Sunday at 8 a.m. for 35 mins