
All Saints Church is open for publicised services and also daily during British Summer Time.

Getting here

All Saints is a small church which dominates the centre of the village of Great Bourton. It has an interesting history spanning 600 years. For 300 years from around 1550 it was used as a house, or a grocers shop and even for a time as a school. In 1863 it was consecrated as a church again and it's unique detatched bell tower was added in 1883. Recently the building has been redecorated, a new floor has been laid and a new servery and disabled toilet has been built in the north aisle. This work has been made possible by the generous giving of villagers as well as grants from the SITA trust and Cherwell Council. The worship has recently been enhanced by the purchase of a fine new electric organ. A small but committed congregation meet weekly for worship. There is also a bible study twice a month.

All Saints Church
Manor Road
Great Bourton
OX17 1QW

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