Christmas Carols by Candlelight

for 1 hour
St Laurence
Thame Road Warborough Wallingford, OX10 7DR, United Kingdom

Service at St Laurence Church.
Please note: the 16:30 service that would have taken place on this Sunday is therefore cancelled.

St Laurence

For Church Safeguarding Contact information at St Laurence, please see the Safeguarding Contacts page under 'about us'.

For the Church Safeguarding Policy at St Laurence, please see the Safeguarding Policy page under 'about us'.

Get in touch

Rev’d Melanie Stanley

Assistant Curate
07891 050851
What's on

Christmas Carols by Candlelight

for 1 hour
St Laurence
Thame Road Warborough Wallingford, OX10 7DR, United Kingdom

Service at St Laurence Church.
Please note: the 16:30 service that would have taken place on this Sunday is therefore cancelled.