Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic Update 3

Church_news News_about_our_building Notices

Sunday 30 August 2020

Service of Holy Communion

St Helen's Church will be open again on Sunday 30 August 2020 for a service of Holy Communion starting at 10am.

We will of course continue to follow precautions to minimise the risk of spreading the coronavirus. The service will be kept short (30 minutes) and we are not yet permitted to sing. Hand sanitiser will be provided and we ask worshippers to use face coverings in the church.

More details of the coming month's services will be published in the Link magazine and on the church websites. For those who of you may still need to shield, and for others will not yet feel ready to go somewhere public, online material will continue to be produced for broadcast on our YouTube site:

including readings, a sermon, and prayers.