Garden Fete - Sunday 30 June 2024 - 14h00

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Our lovely village Garden Fete is back!

Sunday afternoon 30th June 2024 2pm onwards

at The Innocents, Berrick Prior (courtesy of Nicol and Ian Glyn).

Stalls, competitions, kids’ races, tug-of-war, teas, Pimms, games, outdoor fun and ice creams.

If you have any of the following items to donate to stalls:

bottles (any content, shape or size), small giftstoysDVDsbooks good condition saleable items

these will be collected from you between 6 and 7 pm on Thursday 27th June - just leave them (labelled!) outside your gate/door.

Plants and cakes can be brought to the stalls on the day.

Please come to this fund-raiser – and bring your friends. We are working hard to ensure that our lovely historic village church will still be here for future generations!

See you there!