Christmas Day Holy Eucharist

for 1 hour
University Church of St Mary the Virgin
High Street Oxford, OX1 4BJ, United Kingdom

Come and be part of our Christmas celebrations where there is something for everyone.

Christmas speaks of a God who comes among us and embraces our humanity, sharing our hopes and fears, our vulnerability and our joy. This is the mystery of 'the Word made flesh' described in John's Gospel. In using this phrase, John is telling us that the entire self-utterance of God is disclosed to us in the arresting cry of a tiny child. This is the awe-inspiring and extraordinary mystery at the heart of the doctrine of the incarnation, mysterium tremendum et fascinans.

University Church of St Mary the Virgin

The University Church of St Mary the Virgin is a vibrant, welcoming, and inclusive church in the liberal catholic tradition. Standing in the very centre of Oxford, it is the spiritual heart of the oldest university in Britain. With dignified liturgy and beautiful music, it has been a place of Christian worship for over seven hundred years. Today, we strive to be a community of faithful Christian witness and intelligent debate, unafraid to engage with the modern world.

Get in touch

The Revd Dr William Lamb

The High Street

Sarah Ockwell (Admin)
01865 279110

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What's on

Christmas Day Holy Eucharist

for 1 hour
University Church of St Mary the Virgin
High Street Oxford, OX1 4BJ, United Kingdom

Come and be part of our Christmas celebrations where there is something for everyone.

Christmas speaks of a God who comes among us and embraces our humanity, sharing our hopes and fears, our vulnerability and our joy. This is the mystery of 'the Word made flesh' described in John's Gospel. In using this phrase, John is telling us that the entire self-utterance of God is disclosed to us in the arresting cry of a tiny child. This is the awe-inspiring and extraordinary mystery at the heart of the doctrine of the incarnation, mysterium tremendum et fascinans.