'Meet & Eat' Weekend! CHANGE!! One-off; Breakfast at Ikea (10am, Sunday 9 March)
- Occurring
- Monthly. Every Second Saturday and Sunday at for 9 hours, 30 mins
- Venue
- Ikea
- Address Ikea, Bletcham Way Bletchley, MK1 1QB
"When we meet, we eat!"
Once a month (2nd Sunday) we don't have a Sunday morning service at the Newton Leys Primary School. Instead, there are a few folk in the church who will arrange over the weekend a 'Meet and Eat' occasion, in their home, or at another local venue, and invite church friends, family members and/or neighbours, to join them. It gives a great opportunity to get to know others a little better, in a social context.
#still church
We don't have a regular list of 'venues', so can't easily invite visitors via this website; it's aimed at our regular church attenders to do something - we just encourage everyone to try and take a turn at 'hosting', organising or arranging such a gathering.
A monthly event, over the second weekend of every calendar month - excluding August.