Tomorrow at 10:00 we have a service of Morning Prayer for the Last Sunday before Lent.
After the service, all are invited to join us for a community pot luck lunch that will be hosted at the Swiss Reformed Church parish hall. This is a great opportunity to spend more time with one another and fellowship as a community.
This week we begin the season of Lent. We will hold an Ash Wednesday service on 05 March at 18:00 with the imposition of ashes.
In particular this week we pray for our new Suffragan Bishop in the Diocese in Europe, Andrew Norman. Andrew was consecrated by the Archbishop of York at Canterbury Cathedral, and will be installed at Holy Trinity, Gibraltar tomorrow.
We continue in our updated pattern of services, with worship every Sunday. We hope to see you at one of these upcoming times of worship and fellowship. We still send service reminders via email, but not every week, so please do mark your diaries.
First Sunday of the Month:
10:00, Morning Prayer
Other Sundays:
18:00, Evening Prayer / Compline, Communion
(3rd Sundays)