Resuming Weekly Sunday Services


Dear Friends,

After much deliberation and conversation as a community in the years following the pandemic, we are pleased to let you know that the Villars English Church will once again be offering regular, weekly services.

We are a small community but we have been pleased to see the number of people passing through our church door, tourists and residents alike. By resuming a more regular pattern of worship, our prayer is that this can help to create a more dependable space for people to encounter God and grow in Christian community.

We seek to resume in a small and measured way, and are initially committing to weekly services during the winter tourism season and through to Easter. However, the hope is that there will be every reason to continue throughout the year.

The first Sunday of each month will remain at 10:00, and all other Sunday services will be at 18:00. The third Sunday evening will remain a Eucharist and the others will be a form of Night Prayer.

These additional services will be simple and short. In most cases there will be no sermon, although perhaps a small reflection. Likewise, any music will be simple and most likely unaccompanied. It is a time for prayer, reflection, worship and community at the close of the day; all are welcome.

We will see where this takes us. If you or anyone you know may be interested in joining us, please share this message, or indeed if you would like to volunteer in any capacity please do get in touch. We are always looking for people who can read, pray, teach, play or organise in any way.

In a world that is so often lonely, we pray that the Villars English Church may continue to be a small light of God’s grace.

With peace and every blessing this Epiphanytide,
