Sunday Worship

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
Church of the Ascension Hilversum
Ascension Anglican Church Boomberglaan 6 Hilversum, 1217RR, Netherlands

Sung Holy Communion

Church of the Ascension Hilversum

We are a new Church of England church plant. You are most welcome.  If you are simply curious, or you desire to worship God, are seeking  friendship, encouragement and strength in the journey of faith, we believe Jesus is calling you to "Come and see!"  We are in the classical Anglican High Church tradition.  We desire to ascend, as by steps, into the life of God.

Get in touch

David Phillips

What's on

Sunday Worship

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
Church of the Ascension Hilversum
Ascension Anglican Church Boomberglaan 6 Hilversum, 1217RR, Netherlands

Sung Holy Communion