Church of England Diocese of St.Edmundsbury & Ipswich Lightwave Red Lodge Rural Hub

Everyday faith

Lightwave is a Christian community. We have fun, support each other and try to put our faith to work in practical care for friends, neighbours and the most needy in our society. 

We like to think of our young people being a significant generation now, not just in the future. 

Lightwave is active in rural Suffolk. Lightwave is inclusive for the whole community.

A story of everyday faith

What does everyday faith look like? Hear one person's story of how their faith impacts their daily life.

How we support you

Lightwave seeks to support people from whatever faith background (or none) and is primarily aimed at those not already involved in community.  

You can come to the Cafe at anytime on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays for a chat if you need support coping with mental health, domestic abuse, addictions, homelessness, isolation. 

Food bags and debt advice are offered on Mondays between 10 am - 1 pm

To find out more about how we can support you contact:

Revd. Diane Grano at [email protected]

What you can do

Through the Everyday Faith portal, the Church of England offers a range of reflections and prayer journeys to help people find and follow God in their daily life.

Environment and Climate Justice

See how environment and climate justice are part of our faith and explore some actions you can take to become part of a movement for change.


God on Monday

Start your working week by thinking through where God is at work, in your work. Weekly reflections on the lectionary readings.


Faith in a Conflicted World

Across 5 films and written reflections, Archbishop Justin Welby explores three habits based on the life and ministry of Jesus: be present, be curious, and reimagine.
