
Every Thursday at for 2 hours, 15 mins
Nelson Street Church
6 Nelson St, Rochdale, OL16 1NL, United Kingdom

Welcome to Alpha.

Alpha is a fantastic way to explore faith and the meaning of life in a warm, safe & non-judgmental environment. It’s an informal course that combines community and the big questions of life.

Each evening starts with a meal followed by a short presentation after which there is an opportunity for discussion over coffee and cake. The course is free of charge.

We will be hosting our next Alpha Course for seven weeks starting Thursday 12th September. Over seven sessions, Alpha helps you explore questions about faith and the meaning of life. We will explore (together with others who also have questions) whether Christianity is still relevant to our lives today. The evenings end at 9:15pm.

Youth Alpha

Every Friday at for 2 hours
Nelson Street Church
6 Nelson St, Rochdale, OL16 1NL, United Kingdom

Youth Alpha is your space to discuss faith, life’s meaning, and everything in between. No question is too big, too small, or too silly!

Aged 11-17?
Youth Alpha is for you! Whether you’re curious about faith, want to meet new people, enjoy games, or just love good food, come join us!

What’s the plan?
We’ve got snacks, games, short video, and small group discussions lined up.

Plus we'll eat tea together!

When and where?
Join us for this free 8-week journey at Nelson St Church.

Sunday Morning Service

Every Sunday at for 2 hours
Nelson Street Church
6 Nelson St, Rochdale, OL16 1NL, United Kingdom

To start with, our doors open at 10:30am for coffee and danish pastries to which everyone is welcome!

The gatherings themselves are informal and relaxed. They begin with a short talk (usually to do with the challenges of every day life) followed by a time of musical worship and then an opportunity to be prayed for.

When you walk into the church, you will be greeted by our welcome team, who are there to help you should you have any questions. If you would like to meet new people, make friends and connect with others, they will be happy to introduce you, but if you would prefer to come incognito, that is fine too.

Spirit Cafe

Monthly. Every Last Saturday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
4 The Walk
4 The Walk, 4 The Walk Rochdale, Ol16 1EP, United Kingdom

A starting place for those exploring spirituality

The Bereavement Journey

Every Monday at for 2 hours
Start date
Please note that this event will not start until
Nelson Street Church
6 Nelson St, Rochdale, OL16 1NL, United Kingdom

This course will take place in Nelson Street Church for 7 consecutive weeks.

By means of a series of films and discussion groups with others, this course gently guides bereaved people thorugh the most common aspects of grief, enabling them to provess the implications for themselves and discern next steps.