Early Music Christmas Concert: 'Navidad Nuestra'

for 1 hour, 30 mins
The Temple Church, London
The Temple Church, Temple, London EC4Y 7BB, EC4Y 1BB, United Kingdom


Navidad nuestra: ‘Huida’ Ariel Ramírez (Argentina)

Introitus 'Hodie Scietis' Old Roman Chant

Hanacpachap cussicuinin Anonymous (Peru)

Conductus 'Congaudeant Catholici' Codex Calixtinus (Spain)

Marizápalos a lo Divino ‘Serafín que, con dulce harmonía’ Joan Cererols (Spain)

Gaudete Anonymous (UK)

Desvelado dueño mio Tomás de Torrejón y Velasco (Peru)

Offertorium 'Tollite Portas' Old Roman Chant

Convidando está la noche Juan García de Zéspedes (Mexico)

Vayan unas especies Esteban Salas (Cuba) UK PREMIERE

Antiphona 'Media Vita in Morte Sumus' Templar Chant

San Sabeya Gugurumbé Mateo Flecha ‘el Viejo’ (Spain)

Dennos lecencia Señores Martínez Compañón Codex (Peru)


Idrîsî Ensemble

Monteverde Consort

& special guest soloists:

Ana Beard Fernández soprano

Julia Merino mezzosoprano

Jesús León tenor

This event is presented by the Instituto Cervantes with the kind support of the Iberian & Latin American Music Society (ILAMS) and the Spanish Embassy

Join us this December 13th for what promises to be a Christmas concert like no other. Ancient chants and toe-tapping rhythms collide in this unique event journeying through a millennium of early Latin and Hispanic sacred Christmas music treasures, including the UK premiere of a villancico by Cuban Baroque composer, Esteban Salas. Joined by a stellar line-up of pre-eminent Hispanic soloists, the groundbreaking Medieval specialist Idrîsî Ensemble join forces with the Monteverde Consort to celebrate vibrant, festive songs from Spain and Latin America, interlacing Amerindian and Afro styles with the entrancing, mystical sounds of the Roman world. Inspired by our historic c.1163 venue, the Temple Church, the group will also revive music from the site’s earliest days, including a 12th-century chant associated with the Knights Templar who established this place as their spiritual home.

The Temple Church, London

Welcome to the prayerful and beautiful Temple Church, steeped in the history of Christendom, this country and the whole Common Law World. 1162: the Round Church was built to be London’s Jerusalem. 1214–19: Magna Carta was negotiated in the Temple, and its greatest hero was buried in the Church. 1584, 1776, 1787: from Raleigh’s expeditions through the colonial constitutions to the American Declaration of Independence and Constitution, the Temple was the birthplace of American Law. And to this day the Church serves the legal colleges Inner and Middle Temple, London’s residents, visiting jurists and travellers from all over the world with some of the most uplifting services, music and discussions in London.

How can so ancient a building be equipped to serve the modern age in prayer and praise and engagement with the socio-legal challenges facing Britain and the wider world? Through Restoration & Renewal: Equipping the Temple Church for the next 100 Years, a major programme of refurbishment and repair, energised and supported by The Friends of the Temple Church.

Robin Griffith-Jones Master of the Temple
Mark Hatcher Reader of the Temple

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What's on

Early Music Christmas Concert: 'Navidad Nuestra'

for 1 hour, 30 mins
The Temple Church, London
The Temple Church, Temple, London EC4Y 7BB, EC4Y 1BB, United Kingdom


Navidad nuestra: ‘Huida’ Ariel Ramírez (Argentina)

Introitus 'Hodie Scietis' Old Roman Chant

Hanacpachap cussicuinin Anonymous (Peru)

Conductus 'Congaudeant Catholici' Codex Calixtinus (Spain)

Marizápalos a lo Divino ‘Serafín que, con dulce harmonía’ Joan Cererols (Spain)

Gaudete Anonymous (UK)

Desvelado dueño mio Tomás de Torrejón y Velasco (Peru)

Offertorium 'Tollite Portas' Old Roman Chant

Convidando está la noche Juan García de Zéspedes (Mexico)

Vayan unas especies Esteban Salas (Cuba) UK PREMIERE

Antiphona 'Media Vita in Morte Sumus' Templar Chant

San Sabeya Gugurumbé Mateo Flecha ‘el Viejo’ (Spain)

Dennos lecencia Señores Martínez Compañón Codex (Peru)


Idrîsî Ensemble

Monteverde Consort

& special guest soloists:

Ana Beard Fernández soprano

Julia Merino mezzosoprano

Jesús León tenor

This event is presented by the Instituto Cervantes with the kind support of the Iberian & Latin American Music Society (ILAMS) and the Spanish Embassy

Join us this December 13th for what promises to be a Christmas concert like no other. Ancient chants and toe-tapping rhythms collide in this unique event journeying through a millennium of early Latin and Hispanic sacred Christmas music treasures, including the UK premiere of a villancico by Cuban Baroque composer, Esteban Salas. Joined by a stellar line-up of pre-eminent Hispanic soloists, the groundbreaking Medieval specialist Idrîsî Ensemble join forces with the Monteverde Consort to celebrate vibrant, festive songs from Spain and Latin America, interlacing Amerindian and Afro styles with the entrancing, mystical sounds of the Roman world. Inspired by our historic c.1163 venue, the Temple Church, the group will also revive music from the site’s earliest days, including a 12th-century chant associated with the Knights Templar who established this place as their spiritual home.


The care and protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults who are involved in Church activities is the responsibility of the whole Church. Everyone who participates in the life of the Church has a role to play in promoting a Safer Church for all.This Safeguarding Policy is based on the Safeguarding Policy Statement of the Church of England that was agreed and published by the House of Bishops in 2017. It sets out the Safeguarding Policy of the Diocese of London and in particular a summary of the roles and responsibilities of all church bodies and office holders as we work together to protect children, young people and vulnerable adults who are involved in church activities.

This policy makes six overarching policy commitments:

To promote a safer environment and culture
To enable and ensure safe recruitment practice and to support all those within the Church with any responsibility related to children, young people, and vulnerable adults
To respond promptly to every safeguarding concern or allegation
To offer pastoral care to victims/survivors of abuse and other affected persons
To offer pastoral care to those who are the subject of concerns or allegations of abuse and other affected persons
To respond to those who may pose a present risk to others.


The Temple Church, London Charity No. 1205712