Telford Minster

10am + 4pm Gatherings, Every Sunday

We can't wait to welcome you in as you join us for church! Whether it’s your first time in church or you’ve been before, we cannot wait to welcome you.

Telford Minster, Southwater Square, Telford TF3 4HS

Get in touch

Rev Laura Lenander

Telford Minster
Meeting Point House
Southwater Square

07950 268428

Our website

What's on

Minster Minis

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Telford Minster
Telford Minster, Meeting Point House, Southwater Square, Telford, TF3 4HS, United Kingdom

Baby and Toddler Group for ages 0-4yrs

Parents and carers come along with their child/ren for the chance to chat and play in a relaxed environment. Refreshments are available for the adults throughout the session, children finish with a story, song time and a snack.


Telford Minster is fully committed to the safeguarding of all children, young people and adults when they are vulnerable. Telford Minster has adopted the National and Diocesan Safeguarding Policies.

View of Safeguarding policy