Advanced Sunday School

for 1 hour
St Andrew by the Wardrobe
St Andrew by the Wardrobe, St Andrews Hill & Queen Victoria Street, London, EC4V 5DE

The subject of the lecture will be the development of architectural drawings from the earliest times to the Tudor period, which will include something about the planning of the medieval St Andrew’s church from before the Great Fire. The presenter is Neil Bingham who is a former curator at the V&A, RAA and RIBA.

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Advanced Sunday School

for 1 hour
St Andrew by the Wardrobe
St Andrew by the Wardrobe, St Andrews Hill & Queen Victoria Street, London, EC4V 5DE

The subject of the lecture will be the development of architectural drawings from the earliest times to the Tudor period, which will include something about the planning of the medieval St Andrew’s church from before the Great Fire. The presenter is Neil Bingham who is a former curator at the V&A, RAA and RIBA.

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