This week's news and posts...

Church_news From_the_Vicar

Monday 15th Feb

Unfinished Sentence.  This week's unfinished sentence is looking ahead to Shrove Tuesday. A little reminder to get your favourite toppings ready.


Tuesday 16th Feb

soul moments.  This week, when you go to make a hot drink and put the kettle on to boil, don't run off and do something while it boils. Instead stop, wait, really wait for it to boil without distraction. No cleaning, no phone checking! Just wait, watching and listening to the kettle. Any random thoughts that come to mind are just that 'thoughts' so name them so and focus back on the kettle. These pausing moments are soul moments they are good for our wellbeing.

Wednesday 17th Feb

Weekly Worship Podcast now available, exploring the theme of Good Friday and thinking about the question 'What does God's love mean to you?': Click here to listen.

Thursday 18th Feb

Prayer for the Nation.

Loving Father God, be with us in our distress; be with our families, friends, and neighbours, our country and our world. Give health to the sick, hope to the fearful, and comfort to mourners. Give wisdom to our frontline and key workers, insight to our Government, and patience to us all. Overcome disease with the power of your new life, through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Friday 19th Feb

Charity of the Week: Fairtrade Foundation - the power to drive change with your shopping. For more information click the link.

FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT from 22nd Feb - 7th March 2021