The Annual General Meeting for election of church wardens and members of the PCC will be held on the Wednesday 16th April 2025 at 6pm in church. The electoral roll can be viewed by contacting the electoral roll officer (currently Church Warden Pam Dunn) on stpeterscroft@btinternet.comTo apply for inclusion download the form attached and return to Pam Dunn. Please note the electoral roll will be closed on the 31st March until after the Annual General Meeting. All forms for nominations for wardens, PCC members etc are available in church or by contacting on
NOTIFICATION OF APPOINTMENTDetails: The Revd Gillian Lunn, currently serving as Assistant Curate in the Benefice of Leyburn and Bellerby, in the Diocese of Leeds, has been appointed as Rector at the Benefice of East Dere Street in the Ripon Episcopal Area.Gillan will be licensed by Bishop Anna Eltringham - date to be confirmed.
The quinquennial report is a very lengthy and detailed report that examines the state of our church and makes recommendations about the repairs and maintenance needed was published late last year. The repairs recommended have to be completed over the next 5 years and it is estimated that the total cost will be in the region of £94,000. This is a very large amount of money but as a Grade 1 listed Crown Property we are caretakers of an historic building and with that comes the costs.People are hard at work running our regular events ,the pastoral lunch, coffee mornings and social events. The coffee mornings will return to the village hall in October which will be a warmer venue during the winter months.Wi Fi has now been installed and this means we have now been able to install a card payments system. Card donations can be made online using this website.The open garden weekend was a success despite the weather and raised in excess of £8500. The next open garden event will be at the end of June 2025 and planning is already underway.We will be organising other events so please keep up to date by accessing our newsletter (request copy by emailing or by referring to All Service Dates and Events tabWe do not have a vicar at present and a lot of work is going into ensuring that the church continues to provide regular services. The appointment of the new rector was made on the 20th of March and hopefully we can publish details in the near future.
Please direct any queries to and we will redirect them to the most appropriate operative.