Sunday Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Arborfield Green Community Centre Sheerlands Rd Arborfield, RG2 9ND, United Kingdom

This is a meeting for all ages, when we gather to worship God, and to encourage one another by hearing from God's word, singing His praises and bringing our needs to Him in prayer. Once a month we share in the Lord's Supper together.

We begin with everyone together, before children and young people usually leave for their activities. We currently have a full programme for 0 -11 year-olds during the service.

Our meeting usually lasts about an hour or so, after which refreshments are served.



We are a new church for the new community of Arborfield Green established by the existing Churches of Arborfield and Barkham. At the heart of our church family life is a trust in the living God who has revealed himself in Jesus Christ and who still speaks to us through his Word, the Bible. 

Get in touch

Rev'd Piers Bickersteth

Church Office
The Rectory
Church Lane


Our website

What's on

Sunday Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Arborfield Green Community Centre Sheerlands Rd Arborfield, RG2 9ND, United Kingdom

This is a meeting for all ages, when we gather to worship God, and to encourage one another by hearing from God's word, singing His praises and bringing our needs to Him in prayer. Once a month we share in the Lord's Supper together.

We begin with everyone together, before children and young people usually leave for their activities. We currently have a full programme for 0 -11 year-olds during the service.

Our meeting usually lasts about an hour or so, after which refreshments are served.


We at Church at the Green are deeply committed to the safeguarding and protection of all children, young people, and vulnerable adults who are part of our communities and with whom we work. Information about our safeguarding officers, policies and practices can be found on the Safeguarding page of our church website, as can information about how to report a safeguarding concern. See link below.

Click here for our Full Safeguarding information.