10.30 worship at St James'

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St James' Woodside
Low Lane Horsforth, Leeds Leeds, LS18 5QW, United Kingdom

10.30 worship at St James' is contemporary in style and alternates each week between Morning Worship and Holy Communion with the following pattern:

1st Sunday - Family worship.
2nd Sunday - Family Communion with Kid's Church.
3rd Sunday - Family Worship.
4th Sunday - Family Communion with Kid's Church.
5th Sunday - Family Communion.

The services, which last about 60 minutes, are followed by informal conversation over tea and coffee in the Parish Centre.

Morning Prayer

Every Monday at for 30 mins
Please note that this event will not be taking place between and
St James' Woodside
Low Lane Horsforth, Leeds Leeds, LS18 5QW, United Kingdom

We meet each Monday to start the week with prayer. All are welcome to join us.

9 o'clock worship at St James'

Every First, Second, Third, Fourth Sunday at for 45 mins
Please note that this event will not be taking place between and
St James' Woodside
Low Lane Horsforth, Leeds Leeds, LS18 5QW, United Kingdom

9 o' clock worship at St James' is traditional in style and alternates each week between Holy Communion using the Book of Common Prayer and Morning Prayer. The services, which lasts about 45 minutes, are followed by informal conversation over tea and coffee in the Parish Centre.

The Sung Eucharist of Ash Wednesday with Imposition of Ashes

for 1 hour, 15 mins
St James Woodside
St James Woodside, Low Lane Horsforth, Leeds Leeds, LS18 5QW, United Kingdom

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. The weeks leading up to Easter have traditionally been characterised by self-examination and self-denial, by penitence and the study of scripture, and by preparation for Easter. These characteristics emerged from earliest times as a result of the Church’s use of Lent as a time for preparing candidates for baptism. Later, the spiritual value for all Christians of joining in with these preparations came to be recognised.

As a sign both of penitence and of commitment to the Lent journey, it became common from the middle ages for Christians to be marked in ash with the sign of the cross on their foreheads. We follow this practice tonight: all who wish to do so are invited to come forward for ashing during the Liturgy of Penitence.

Pop up cafe at St James'

In January, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, November, December. Every Second Friday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St James' Woodside
St James' Woodside, Low Lane Horsforth, Leeds Leeds, LS18 5QW, United Kingdom

An opportunity to come along for a natter, coffee and some delicious home made cake.

Messy Church at St James’

In January, February, March, May, June, July, September, October, November. Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St James' Woodside
Low Lane Horsforth, Leeds Leeds, LS18 5QW, United Kingdom

Come along to have fun, make crafts, learn about God and chat about life, meet new friends and share a meal together.

The Liturgy of Maundy Thursday

for 2 hours
St James' Woodside
St James' Woodside, Low Lane Horsforth, Leeds Leeds, LS18 5QW, United Kingdom

Maundy Thursday marks the beginning of the Easter Triduum, the Great Three Days which commemorate the events of the Last Supper, the Crucifixion and the Resurrection.

The Liturgy for this evening recalls Jesus’ washing of his disciples’ feet, his institution of the Eucharist and his withdrawal to the Garden of Gethsemane for a time of prayer before his arrest and trial.

The Watch of the Passion will take place immediately after the Eucharist. At the beginning and end of the Watch we hear sections of Mark’s account of the final night of Jesus’ life, which culminates with St Peter’s third and final denial of Jesus during his trial. You are invited to stay for the Watch which ends at 21.30.

Choir Festival

for 2 hours, 30 mins
St James' Woodside
St James' Woodside, Low Lane Horsforth, Leeds Leeds, LS18 5QW, United Kingdom

St James' Woodside has been making music for over 175 years. Following a successful choir festival during our anniversary celebrations in 2023, we are one again hosting a choir festival on Saturday 26 April, starting at 18.00.

The festival will feature five local choirs and a varied programme of music.

Tickets are available at a cost of £5 each, which includes interval refreshments. U18 are free.

You can purchase tickets here: https://bit.ly/3CHQZbu