The Way of Life

We’re raiding material from the Diocese of Ely called “the way of life”, and using it as a springboard for our own Northstowe-shaped explorations. Like others in the diocese (area-wide group of churches), we’re adapting it to suit our context, adding things and shaping it. But it is good to know we’re also asking the same kind of questions as those around us.

Another advantage of is that they have produced 6 week journals/idea booklets that give us the opportunity to dig a bit deeper into the topics throughout the week.

There are four different strands to choose from in how you do this at home. We gave out print-outs from the EXPLORE booklet on Sunday (and will keep doing this week by week). But you might prefer to download one of the others… or simply try journaling in your own way in a beautiful blank notebook. Why not bring it along to the gatherings so you can add to it?

 * FAMILY, offering intergenerational ideas to use as a family group at home [download here]

 * EXPLORE, aimed at those who enjoy a multisensory and interactive approach [download here]

 * YOUTH, similar to the EXPLORE booklet, with a particular focus on young people [download here]

 * REFLECT, aimed at those who appreciate a more cerebral approach and perhaps more familiar with church practices [download here]

You might also like to sign up to the online resources detailed in the EXPLORE and YOUTH books to get a daily ‘thought’ to start you thinking.

***Why Journal?***

There’s no requirement to join in with this… but many people find it helpful. Ideas often need time to settle, and develop as we ponder them through the lens of the ordinary things we do each week.

Your journal doesn’t need to be written like a diary or in full sentences: in fact, doodles, colouring, painting, poetry, word jottings are all often more revealing of what’s going on deep inside you.

And of course, your journal is just for you. No one else need see it unless you decide you want to share some of it.

Don’t worry if you don’t manage to jot something down each day; You might just start by jotting down your immediate reaction to the topic on Sunday evening , and then, on Friday or Saturday, perhaps pausing to think through how those have developed by the end of the week. Give it a try, and see what works!

Read about what happened last week on Beth's Blog...