A celebration of ecumenical partnership


On Sunday 20th October 2024, representatives of the denominations connected to the Northstowe Church Network, as well as from The Pathfinder CofE Primary School, joined those from Pathfinder Church, Little Explorers, and the Compline Community for a service of celebration and commitment.

The service started with a reaffirmation of the Shared Vision between the local church and the regional Baptists, Methodists, URC, CofE and Quakers, recognising that over 20 years of shared prayer and planning among those involved in Churches Together in Cambridgeshire had led to this day. And now, in recognition of the even deeper partnership between those of URC, CofE and Baptist heritage here on the ground, the Northstowe Church Network has been established as three-way Local Ecumenical Partnership.

Revd Mark Burleigh, County Ecumenical Officer, highlighted that this is one way this new church, in a new town, is putting down roots into the traditions and practices that have long shaped Christianity. A Local Ecumenical Partnership invites all those who are part of the church into full membership of all three denominations and brings the regional bodies alongside them in their mission and ministry. Northstowe is the newest of the 11 LEPs in Cambridgeshire. Working together in this way is such a positive expression of the gospel!

He then invite the representatives of the three partner denominations to come too formally commission the Revd Dr Beth Cope, as lead minister, to make full use of the rites and practices of all three denominations.

The Revd Dr Gale Richards (Regional Minister in the Eastern Baptist Association),the Revd Lythan Nevard (Moderator of the Eastern Synod of the United Reformed Church),the Rt Revd Dr Dagmar Winter (Acting Bishop of Ely, Church of England)

The Commissioning concluded with words of commitment being shared between Beth and those involved in the life of the Northstowe Church Network (below).

The service continued with intergenerational worship, as all those present were involved in "praying, exploring, and sharing". The theme was "Life in the Spirit", drawing on John 3:8. As the gathering came to an end, the light of the Pascal Candle was used to light a campfire outside, as the church sang "Build your kingdom here".

Minister:Today I bring myself and the gifts I have,
and I covenant to serve and encourage this church-network and community:
to respect and care for you, to journey with you,
to take responsibility among you,
to seek God with you, to listen to God in you,
and to work with you to be Christ in this world.
Those involved in the Northstowe Church Network:Today we bring ourselves and the gifts we have,
and we covenant to serve and encourage
this church-network and community:
to respect and care for each other,
to take responsibility for the people we are
and the people we hope to be in Christ,
and to encourage you as our minister
as we make this journey together.See pictures, and read more, at www.northstowe.church/partnershipcelebration