Two years ago, there were simply fields where the New Town of Northstowe is being built.
Last year, a handful of residents had started moving in.
This year, the first minister of Pathfinder Church, Northstowe, had just moved into the new Church House... and we wanted to make sure that Northstowe's church got itself on the map.
So we decided to open up the garage at Church House to Riders and Striders on the Historic Churches Trust National Ride and Stride.
We welcomed a steady stream of visitors -- some locals from Northstowe, others dedicated cyclists on 50 mile tours of historic church buildings.
And we invited people to add to our community art installation, asking "How do you look after Body, Mind and Spirit". Northstowe is designated a "health town" after all!
As people wrote or drew they thought onto tags, we invited them to tie them onto a bike... building a helpful set of tips and ideas for this new community just getting started.