9.00am Eucharist with Ashing W Tanfield
7.00pm Eucharist with Ashing Masham
Saturday 8th March
10.00am to 4.00pm, Thorp Prebend House, Ripon
Led by Canon Craig Huxley-Jones from Gloucester Cathedral, asking us to consider one thing to help our spiritual life.
BENEFICE SERVICE – Sunday 9th March
10.45am Joint Benefice Eucharist, Well
Following on from the quiet day, a service for the whole Benefice at the start of Lent. The preacher will be Canon Craig Huxley-Jones.
2.00pm Thursday 20th March & 3rd April
7.00pm Thursday 13th March & 27th March
We have asked 4 people just heading into ministry in the Church, including our own curate Rev’d Simon Edens, to talk to us about their journey of faith so far. Each session will be an hour with an opportunity to ask questions.
6.00pm Sunday 23rd March and 13th April
At Cogdens, the home of Carla McCowan
PALM SUNDAY – 13th April
8.00am Holy Communion Masham
9.15am Parish Eucharist Healey
10.30am Procession from Masham Methodist Church to St Mary’s
10.45am Parish Eucharist Masham
10.45am Morning Prayer Well
6.00pm Parish Eucharist W Tanfield
Monday 14th April
7.00pm Said Eucharist Well
Tuesday 15th April
7.00pm Said Eucharist N Stainley
Wednesday 16th April
8.00pm Tenebrae Service Healey
A quiet, candlelit service of reflection with readings taking us through the end of Jesus’ life. After each reading a candle is blown out until we end in darkness and leave in silence.
7.00pm Said Eucharist Snape
7.00pm Maundy Liturgy Masham
We listen to the story of the Last Supper, sharing in the opportunity of foot washing and communion. The altar is stripped, and we move to the high altar as we watch with Christ. The evening ends with Compline at 9.30pm
GOOD FRIDAY – 18th April
2.00pm Last Hour at the cross W Tanfield
& Masham
Hymns, readings and reflection as we recall the last hour of Jesus’ life
7.00pm Good Friday Liturgy Masham
Through the eyes of John’s Gospel, we sit in front of the cross and think about what it means for us today.
EASTER DAY – 20th April
6.00am Easter Liturgy Masham
As the women gathered by Jesus’ tomb at dawn, we gather to bless the new fire, light the Easter candle and celebrate the resurrection.
9.15am Parish Eucharist Healey
9.15am Parish Eucharist N Stainley
10.45am Parish Eucharist Masham
10.45am Parish Eucharist Well
10.45am Parish Eucharist W Tanfield