Come and celebrate Holy Week and Easter with us!

for 7 days, 4 hours
North Stainley: St Mary the Virgin
A6108 North Stainley Ripon, HG4 3HT, United Kingdom

We have a variety of services across the churches in our benefices during Holy Week and Easter - why not come along....
Palm Sunday – 24th March
8.00am Holy Communion Masham
10.45am Parish Eucharist Masham
10.45am Parish Eucharist W Tanfield
4.00pm Evensong Healey
4.00pm Compline Snape

Monday 25th
7.00pm Holy Communion W Tanfield

Tuesday 26th
7.00pm Holy Communion Masham

Wednesday 27th
7.00pm Tenebrae Healey
Tenebrae means 'darkness' and as the readings and hymns progress, candles are extinguished, giving us the opportunity to ponder on the meaning of Christ's death.

Maundy Thursday – 28th March
On Maundy Thursday we receive into church the oils blessed in the Cathedral in the morning (oils used in baptism, confirmation and ministry to the sick). We share in the Last Supper, the washing of feet, and join with Jesus as we imagine ourselves with him in that last night in the Garden of Gethsemane.
7.00pm Commemoration of the Last Supper with foot washing and Watch ending with Compline at 9.00pm Masham

Good Friday – 29th March
Our thoughts turn to Jesus’ death. In the afternoon we spend me in reflection during the last hour of his life. The Good Friday evening Liturgy is a quiet and solemn service, placing us at the foot of the cross as we consider how, in our own world, our own lives, we continue to crucify him. We leave the church in silence and darkness.
2.00pm Last Hour at the Cross Masham and West Tanfield
7.00pm Good Friday Liturgy Masham

Easter Day
Alleluia! Christ is Risen! We celebrate the joy of Christ’s Resurrection.
6.00am Easter Vigil Masham
9.15am Easter Eucharist Healey
9.15am Easter Eucharist N Stainley
10.45am Easter Eucharist Masham
10.45am Easter Eucharist Well
10.45am Easter Eucharist W Tanfield

North Stainley: St Mary the Virgin

Welcome to St Mary's Church North Stainley!  We are working out how best to love God and love our neighbours in our lovely village. Come & join us on that journey.

Get in touch

Reverend Jane Ball

01765 688931
Judith Richards, Administrator (part time)
01765 689255

Our website

What's on

Come and celebrate Holy Week and Easter with us!

for 7 days, 4 hours
North Stainley: St Mary the Virgin
A6108 North Stainley Ripon, HG4 3HT, United Kingdom

We have a variety of services across the churches in our benefices during Holy Week and Easter - why not come along....
Palm Sunday – 24th March
8.00am Holy Communion Masham
10.45am Parish Eucharist Masham
10.45am Parish Eucharist W Tanfield
4.00pm Evensong Healey
4.00pm Compline Snape

Monday 25th
7.00pm Holy Communion W Tanfield

Tuesday 26th
7.00pm Holy Communion Masham

Wednesday 27th
7.00pm Tenebrae Healey
Tenebrae means 'darkness' and as the readings and hymns progress, candles are extinguished, giving us the opportunity to ponder on the meaning of Christ's death.

Maundy Thursday – 28th March
On Maundy Thursday we receive into church the oils blessed in the Cathedral in the morning (oils used in baptism, confirmation and ministry to the sick). We share in the Last Supper, the washing of feet, and join with Jesus as we imagine ourselves with him in that last night in the Garden of Gethsemane.
7.00pm Commemoration of the Last Supper with foot washing and Watch ending with Compline at 9.00pm Masham

Good Friday – 29th March
Our thoughts turn to Jesus’ death. In the afternoon we spend me in reflection during the last hour of his life. The Good Friday evening Liturgy is a quiet and solemn service, placing us at the foot of the cross as we consider how, in our own world, our own lives, we continue to crucify him. We leave the church in silence and darkness.
2.00pm Last Hour at the Cross Masham and West Tanfield
7.00pm Good Friday Liturgy Masham

Easter Day
Alleluia! Christ is Risen! We celebrate the joy of Christ’s Resurrection.
6.00am Easter Vigil Masham
9.15am Easter Eucharist Healey
9.15am Easter Eucharist N Stainley
10.45am Easter Eucharist Masham
10.45am Easter Eucharist Well
10.45am Easter Eucharist W Tanfield


Our parish of North Stainley: St Mary the Virgin is committed to safeguarding children, young people and adults from harm. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO). Our Diocese of Leeds’s safeguarding pages contain vital links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor who advises our PSO. If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact the PSO Judith Parkinson or the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor Narinder Lyon - use the button below to link to their contact details. If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority’s children or adult social care services.

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