ASH WEDNESDAY – 5th March 9.00am Eucharist with Ashing W Tanfield 7.00pm Eucharist with Ashing Masham QUIET DAY – ‘JUST ONE THING’ Saturday 8th March 10.00am to 4.00pm, Thorp Prebend House, Ripon Led by Canon Craig Huxley-Jones from Gloucester Cathedral, asking us to consider one thing to help our spiritual life. BENEFICE SERVICE – Sunday 9th March 10.45am Joint Benefice Eucharist, Well Following on from the quiet day, a service for the whole Benefice at the start of Lent. The preacher will be Canon Craig Huxley-Jones. FOOD FOR THOUGHT 2.00pm Thursday 20th March & 3rd April 7.00pm Thursday 13th March & 27th March We have asked 4 people just heading into ministry in the Church, including our own curate Rev’d Simon Edens, to talk to us about their journey of faith so far. Each session will be an hour with an opportunity to ask questions. MEDITATIONS FOR LENT 6.00pm Sunday 23rd March and 13th April At Cogdens, the home of Carla McCowan HOLY WEEK PALM SUNDAY – 13th April 8.00am Holy Communion Masham 9.15am Parish Eucharist Healey 10.30am Procession from Masham Methodist Church to St Mary’s 10.45am Parish Eucharist Masham 10.45am Morning Prayer Well 6.00pm Parish Eucharist W Tanfield Monday 14th April 7.00pm Said Eucharist Well Tuesday 15th April 7.00pm Said Eucharist N Stainley Wednesday 16th April 8.00pm Tenebrae Service Healey A quiet, candlelit service of reflection with readings taking us through the end of Jesus’ life. After each reading a candle is blown out until we end in darkness and leave in silence. MAUNDY THURSDAY – 17th April 7.00pm Said Eucharist Snape 7.00pm Maundy Liturgy Masham We listen to the story of the Last Supper, sharing in the opportunity of foot washing and communion. The altar is stripped, and we move to the high altar as we watch with Christ. The evening ends with Compline at 9.30pm GOOD FRIDAY – 18th April 2.00pm Last Hour at the cross W Tanfield & Masham Hymns, readings and reflection as we recall the last hour of Jesus’ life 7.00pm Good Friday Liturgy Masham Through the eyes of John’s Gospel, we sit in front of the cross and think about what it means for us today. EASTER DAY – 20th April 6.00am Easter Liturgy Masham As the women gathered by Jesus’ tomb at dawn, we gather to bless the new fire, light the Easter candle and celebrate the resurrection. 9.15am Parish Eucharist Healey 9.15am Parish Eucharist N Stainley 10.45am Parish Eucharist Masham 10.45am Parish Eucharist Well 10.45am Parish Eucharist W Tanfield
Tuesday 17th December 6.00pm W Tanfield: Carols at The Bull Inn Thursday 19th December 2.30pm W Tanfield: Carols around the Christmas tree with school. Friday 20th December 1.15pm Masham: School Christmas Service Saturday 21st December 6.30pm N Stainley: Carol Singing around the firepit at the Staveley Arms Sunday 22nd December 3.00pm Masham: Christingle and Puppet Nativity 6.00pm W Tanfield: Carol Service Tuesday 24th December Christmas Eve 4.00pm N Stainley: Christingle Service in Village Hall 9.00pm Snape: ‘Midnight’ Mass 11.00pm Masham: Midnight Mass Wednesday 25th December Christmas Day There will be no 8.00am Holy Communion 9.15am N Stainley: Christmas Eucharist 9.15am Healey: Christmas Eucharist 10.45am Masham: Christmas Eucharist 10.45am Well: Christmas Eucharist 10.45am W Tanfield: Christmas Eucharist
15th – 17th December, St Mary’s, Masham Christmas Tree Festival Running from 10am to 4pm on Friday and Saturday, midday to 4pm on Sunday – beautiful trees decorated by community groups and businesses, tombola, refreshments. Entry £3, under 16’s free. All proceeds to St Mary’s Church. 15th – Compline and Reflection, Masham Starting at 6.00pm, this is a quiet, candlelit service of about 30 minutes – is a wonderful opportunity to pause in the middle of the busyness. 17th December 8.00am BCP Communion Masham 9.15am Parish Eucharist North Stainley 10.45am Parish Eucharist Masham 10.45am Parish Eucharist Well 4.00pm Carols and Decorating Healey 6.00pm Lessons and Carols West Tanfield We will be joined by the West Tanfield choir. 6.00pm Lessons and Carols Masham A joyful and thought-provoking service to conclude our Christmas Tree Festival, with contributions from both the adult and youth choir. Mulled wine and mince pies available from 5.30pm 18th December Carols By The Fire(pit), North Stainley 6.30 - 7pm In the garden of the Staveley Arms 19th Carol Singing in the Bruce Arms, West Tanfield Starting at 7pm and joined by the West Tanfield choir. 24th December, Christmas Eve 8.00am BCP Communion Masham 9.15am Parish Eucharist Healey 10.45am Parish Eucharist Masham 10.45am Parish Eucharist West Tanfield 4.00pm Scratch Nativity Masham Your chance to dress up as your favourite figure from the Nativity Story – room for everyone here! 4.00pm Christingle North Stainley 5.30pm Scratch Nativity Well 9.30pm Midnight Mass Snape Our celebrations begin with the first Mass of Christmas, starting at the same time as the service in Bethlehem. 11.00pm Midnight Mass Masham Please note the slightly earlier start Christmas Day 9.15am Parish Eucharist Healey 9.15am Parish Eucharist North Stainley 10.45am Parish Eucharist Masham 10.45am Parish Eucharist Well 10.45am Parish Eucharist West Tanfield All the family are welcome at our Christmas services – bring your favourite toy, wear your Christmas hat or jumper! 31st December 10.45am United Service North Stainley - All our churches join together for this 5th Sunday service.
Our Christmas celebrations started early this year! At the end of November we had a bumper attendance at JAM which we run in conjunction with North Stainley Primary School. We thought again about the Christmas story - from the perspective of Festive Fred (ask the children or watch the Bible Society film) - and realised that Jesus is the greatest gift at Christmas. The children then took part in lots of different craft activities, including, making a cut out nativity scene, making a tiny manger scene in a matchbox, making a decoration to put on their Christmas trees at home (a candle made with a wooden disc and a pumpkin seed!), and even making finger puppets of all the characters in the story. Huge thanks to all the adults who supported this. On Friday Class 1 came to help set up the stable scene in church. They had been practising hard for their nativity and were able to retell the story brilliantly as they put the figures in the crib. We also have a crocheted nativity set at the back of church which children are welcome to come and play with! On Monday 18th December at 5.30 till 6pm we will be singing carols outside round the fire pit at our local pub, the Staveley Arms. 4pm on Christmas Eve is our Christingle service - this has become one of the best attended services in the year, when all ages meet to think again about Jesus, the light of the world, being born at Christmas. Do come along and bring your friends and family. On Christmas Day at 9.15 we will have our Christmas Holy Communion Service - everyone is welcome to this special celebration. …..And to round off the year we are hosting the Joint Churches Family Eucharist for the Masham Group of Parishes on Sunday 31st December at 10.45amThere are also lots of other services and special events at the other churches in the Group - see our website and Facebook pages for details.