Wildlife Gardening Award 2023

230307_Wildlife_Gardening_Award_Plaque_2023_download.pdf Download
We are pleased to announce that St. Oswald’s Quiet Garden and churchyard has received a Wildlife Gardening Award from the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust. This is in recognition of the work of our volunteers who have created a haven for wildlife.

The award application took into account how we have planted the garden, the areas that we have a no mow regime and is gardened organically, the use of leaf mould and compost and the bird feeders and water in the garden. We also evidenced the bat surveys, the butterfly count and  that we aim to have plants in flower all year around to provide food for the insects. We do not cut down the garden until the Spring which ensures the insects have a place to hibernate over the Winter. 

Nature Reserves | Yorkshire Wildlife Trust (ywt.org.uk)
