Facilities and features
We have a toilet located behind the organ. It can be accessed via the vestry. Unfortunately we do not have ramped access to the toilet but it can be accessed from outside via the vestry door. At weekends overflow parking is available behind the Ladybirds Nursery.
We have street parking opposite the church. In addition the cricket club car park is also available on non match days. The cricket club car park is located opposite the Boundary House Pub.
The ramped entrance is located by the North door.
We have a hearing loop installed in church
Copies of service books and readings are available in large print
Our Building
Much of our stained glass is Victorian or early 20th century. We also have a window in the Waterton Chapel containing surviving 14th century stained glass.
Our Eco Church Group has a page on the website.
Our building is grade 1 listed.
Music and Worship
We hold concerts and music events through the year.
We have a church choir and new members are always welcome.
Groups, Courses and Activities
Bible Study groups are organised and advertised in the weekly notices. Copies of the notices are posted to the website each week.
Methley Brownies meet at St. Margaret’s Hall Tuesday afternoon. Contact details a can to found in the ‘What’s on’ section on the hall page.
Our Messy Church group meet at St. Margaret’s Hall, Main Street every third Sunday afternoon. See Messy Church page for more details.
Methley Rainbows meet at St. Margaret’s Hall Tuesday afternoons. For contact details see ‘What’s on’ on the hall page.
Help for Visitors
We have Wi-Fi installed in church. The password is displayed on the notice board
We have a leaflet detailing features of the church and a detailed guide is available in church. A new updated leaflet will be available soon and pdf versions of the brief and detailed guides are available to download on the Heritage page.
Church is Open for visitors on a Sunday and Wednesday afternoon from 2-4pm.
Other Features
A box for Foodbank donations is located in the North Porch.
We use audio visual equipment for our monthly All Age Service the first Sunday of each month. All services are live-streamed for people unable to attend in person.
Our parish hall is available for hire. For further details see the St. Margaret’s Hall page.