Manston: St James the Great

Welcome to St James the Great Parish Church. We like to welcome people of all ages and backgrounds to come and worship with us, journey with us, or simply to 'come and see'. We offer a regular cycle of said and sung Eucharistic Services week by week, as well as a couple of more informal opportunities for worship. We have a strong relationship with our neighbouring Church School, and a wide range of organisations for all ages which take place in our Parish Hall, adjacent to the Church.

The parish of St. James the Great is a parish which cares for the vulnerable of any age and is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. It has adopted the Diocese of Leeds Safeguarding Policy. Copies of the policy together with appropriate notices are on display in both the Church and the Parochial Hall. Any concerns may be shared with the Safeguarding Officer, Barbara Dunkley [email protected] or The Priest in charge, Revd Daniel Miles [email protected]  Telephone 07538916546 or the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor, [email protected]   Telephone 01133530257

Help support the essential repairs to our church

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Get in touch

The Parish Office

Church Lane
Cross Gates

LS15 8JB
Parish Office
Revd Daniel Miles

Our website

What's on

'Teddy Praise'

Every Second, Fourth Wednesday at for 1 hour
Manston: St James the Great
Church Lane Manston Leeds, LS15 8JB, United Kingdom

Alternate Wednesdays (2nd and 4th of month IN TERM TIME) a time for pre school children and their carers. parents etc. We share together a Bible story, a couple of short songs, an activity, and some refreshment and toys for afterwards, as well as some fun! Babies and little ones are free to join in, wander around or sleep!

NB This service / activity takes a break during August and does not occur during school holiday weeks

Five year building inspection Carried out on church.


The parish of St. James the Great is a parish which cares for the vulnerable of any age and is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. It has adopted the Diocese of Leeds Safeguarding Policy. Copies of the policy together with appropriate notices are on display in both the Church and the Parochial Hall. Any concerns may be shared with the Safeguarding Officer, Barbara Dunkley [email protected] or The Priest in charge, Revd Daniel Miles [email protected] Telephone 07538916546 or the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor, [email protected] Telephone 01133530257