St Philip's Heads in 2025 with exciting plans

2025 will be a full year.

The first four months, January to April, take us through the seasons of Epiphany, Lent, culminating in our Easter celebrations on 20 April.

As well as our usual Sunday worship we'll be marking the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday, 5 March, with three special services to cater for the various types of household we support.

Prior to Lent starting, we host an Annual PANCAKE OLYMPICS, which is our family event encouraging people to think about the deeper meaning and significance of Pancake Day - as well as having lots of fun with pancakes!

There's lots more beside this. Here is a list of the special events we've got coming up:


5th Epiphany All Age Service


2nd Christingle Candlemas All Age Service


2nd Transfiguration Sunday All Age Service

4th Pancake Olympics, 4-6pm

5th ASH WEDNESDAY (Lent begins)

10am BCP Morning Prayer with Litany and Commination

4pm Family Service

7pm Holy Communion with Ashing

23rd Annual Parochial Church Meeting, 12.30pm

30th Mothering Sunday


6th Passiontide Begins – Service of Service


13th Palm Sunday

17th Maundy Thursday

18th Good Friday:

10.30am Family Service;

2pm Hour at the Cross

20th Easter Sunday:

6am Dawn Vigil, 7am Service of Light,

8-9.45am Breakfast,

10.30am Celebration

21st Family Event - walk to and picnic at Temple Newsam