Just Together (Family Service)
- Occurring
- Monthly. Every Second, Third Sunday at for 45 mins
- Venue
- Hornby: St Mary
- Address Hornby Hornby, near Bedale Bedale, DL8 1NH, United Kingdom
A simple service of hymns, songs, prayers, and Bible stories, for all ages.
When possible we meet half an hour before the service for Squash & Snacks, Tea & Coffee.
For the latest details and updates please see the Benefice Website http://www.lowerwensleydale.church/churches/st-marys-hornby/
Just Together (Family Service)
Monthly. Every Second, Third Sunday at 4 p.m. for 45 mins
Just Together (Family Service)
Monthly. Every Second, Third Sunday at 4 p.m. for 45 mins