CHURCH VILLAGE DRAW CLUB July 2020 to June 2021

The final draw of the second year of the Church Village draw Club was made in June 2021.

Thank you to all those who have joined in the draw. We started the year with 71 numbers and ended the year with 77 numbers.

The total income was £4,370.00

The total expenditure was £1,768 of which £1,748 was prize money.

The surplus that is put into the church Fabric fund is £2,602.00.

We started the third year of the draw in July and would love to increase the number of subscribed numbers to 100. It costs £60 a year for a number which can be paid for by monthly standing order of £5 per month or, two payments of £30, or a one off payment of £60.

The prize money pot is 40% of the total draw income in each month.

The surplus is transferred to the fabric fund which is a restricted fund that can only be used for the specific purpose of that fund ( pay for any works to the building both inside and out to replace, repair, alter or add furnishings or equipment that improve the service provided by St John the Baptist Church, Bishop Monkton)

As with all old buildings there is a constant need for repairs, some, e.g. the recent roof repair, more costly than others.

Subscribing to the draw is a fun way to help to meet these costs.

From August 2021 the Draw will be made on the second Sunday of each month.

If you would like more information or would like to join the draw please contact:

Maggie Wood tel: 01765 677159 or email [email protected]

Maggie Wood, Sue Hargreaves, Jennifer Goodman

The Church Village Draw Club Administrators.

100__club_draw_sign_up_11_JZ2ehE8, PDF
