Knit and Natter

Every Wednesday at for 3 hours
Stoke Poges St Andrew's Church Centre
Rogers Lane Stoke Poges, SL2 4LN, United Kingdom

Knit, natter, sew, chatter, crochet, have a cuppa - the choice is yours!
Knit and Natter is now at St Andrew's on Wednesdays. Drop in any time between 9.30am-12.30pm. As always, you can either join in our project or bring your own, we can supply materials and expertise whether you need to troubleshoot your topstitch or simply work out where to start!
There's plenty of inspiration for seasonal projects and we'll be attempting to keep the creations on top of Stoke Poges' double postbox up to date.

Watch & Pray on Facebook Live

Every Wednesday at for 30 mins

Watch & Pray on Facebook
12 noon every Wednesday
15-20 mins of reflection on the week’s Bible passage and some simple prayers, a great way to join in with our themes each week. You can catch up any time

Ash Wednesday Service

for 1 hour
Stoke Poges St Andrew's Church Centre
Rogers Lane Stoke Poges, SL2 4LN, United Kingdom

Ash Wednesday 5th March
7.30pm Ashing & Communion Service in St Andrew's Chapel
This quiet, contemplative service marks the beginning of Lent with prayer, Holy Communion and spoken worship together. If you wish, you can receive the sign of the cross on your forehead or hand in ash, made from palm crosses.

Friday Club

Monthly. Every First Friday at for 3 hours, 30 mins
Stoke Poges St Andrew's Church Centre
Rogers Lane Stoke Poges, SL2 4LN, United Kingdom

Friday Club is a monthly get together at St Andrew's for older Stoke Poges residents who find it hard to get out and about. If you don't have transport, we have a link-up with the Stoke Poges Good Neighbour Scheme who can offer a lift. Guests arrive about 10am, check in and have a cuppa, followed by activities in various parts of the building, including gentle exercise, craft, card and board games such as dominoes, table tennis (or just watching!) plus plenty of time to chat. We have a home cooked or fish & chip type lunch followed by entertainment in the hall and go home about 1.30pm. Guests must be registered with Friday Club before they attend to ensure we can meet your needs. There is a contribution of £5 per head to pay on the door. Please phone the church office to find out more 01753 642331.

Family Service 11am

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Stoke Poges St Andrew's Church Centre
Rogers Lane Stoke Poges, SL2 4LN, United Kingdom

Our Family Services are held in the main hall at St Andrew's. We use modern versions of bible and worship text and contemporary worship songs. All the words are on the big screen for you to follow.
Our general pattern is an All Age Service on 1st Sundays, family-flavoured Morning Prayer on 2nd and 4th Sundays, with separate groups for school aged children (see separate Junior Church and 7Up entries) and activity carpet in the service for little ones. Family Communion is on 3rd Sundays. We sometimes hold special services at our other building, St Giles' Church so please check the front page of our website for what's on "This Week". Refreshments are served after the service.

Please check our website for changes to the schedule

Junior Church - Kids in Christ (KiC)

Every Second, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
Stoke Poges St Andrew's Church Centre
Rogers Lane Stoke Poges, SL2 4LN, United Kingdom

On the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month we meet at St. Andrew’s Church Centre on Rogers Lane.
We begin at 11am with everyone together for the church service in the main hall. After a couple of songs and prayers, the children depart for their own groups, according to their ages. The children remain in their groups until the service finishes, usually between 11:45 and 12.
KiC is for primary school-aged children and combines games, craft activities and fun teaching, looking at how the Bible applies to us today. We think about things like not following the crowd, always trying to do what’s right and learn about how Jesus' example can help us.

Term-time only

Baby Steps

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour
Stoke Poges St Andrew's Church Centre
Rogers Lane Stoke Poges, SL2 4LN, United Kingdom

Had a baby or caring for a little one? Come and join Baby Steps - our group for new parents and carers with little ones aged 0-3 years, every Tuesday morning in term-time at 10am. Each week we start in St Andrew's Chapel - you'll find the door on the end of the church nearest the road. We'll be looking at a simple story from the Bible, and many others and singing songs, then moving into the hall for playtime. Suggested donation £3. Contactless payment available.

Term-time only

Friday Coffee Group

Every Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth Friday at for 2 hours
Stoke Poges St Andrew's Church Centre
Rogers Lane Stoke Poges, SL2 4LN, United Kingdom

Always a good story going on. Meet in the Coffee Shop at St Andrew's between 10-noon for friendly local chat, tea, coffee and biscuits.

Maundy Thursday

for 1 hour
Stoke Poges St Andrew's Church Centre
Rogers Lane Stoke Poges, SL2 4LN, United Kingdom

Agape Meal with Holy Communion
We will share a simple meal to commemorate the night when Jesus ate his last supper, was betrayed and arrested. Our service includes prayers, time for reflection and Holy Communion. It is helpful to know if you are coming so we can cater for everyone.

Good Friday Service

for 1 hour, 30 mins
Stoke Poges St Andrew's Church Centre
Rogers Lane Stoke Poges, SL2 4LN, United Kingdom

10.00am Flagpole Service and procession of the cross to St Andrew’s for 10.30am Service
To mark the day when Jesus was crucified, we stand and say a few words and sing a hymn on the village green before carrying a large wooden cross down the road to the church. As it is important to remember those who have died for us in battle, it is important to remember Christ’s sacrifice so that we might live a better (and eternal) life.
Please stay for fellowship after the service, with tea, coffee and hot cross buns.