Beckley church is open for services on Sundays, and every day from 10am until 6pm
With the ending of the lockdown, we have been able to hold services in church, and we are delighted that singing by the whole congregation is now allowed. However people are still asked to observe social distancing, and to move into the churchyard to talk after the service.
Beckley church is open for services on Sundays, and for private prayer on SUNDAYS and WEDNESDAYS 10.30am - 4pm
"It is our view, in light of the continued increase of Covid-19 cases in the United Kingdom, that it is now necessary to suspend the administration of the chalice as well as physical contact during the sharing of the peace, blessing or "laying on of hands".We therefore advise that all priests should:•Offer Communion in one kind only to all communicants i.e. the consecrated bread/wafer/host, with the priest alone taking the wine.•Suspend handshaking or other direct physical contact during the sharing of the peace.•Suspend direct physical contact as part of a blessing or ‘laying on of hands’."Services at Beckley Church will follow this guidance with immediate effect.