for 1 hour
Venue Address
Jacob's Field, Bridge Street Islip Oxfordshire, OX5 2TD
Process to Jacob's Field for outdoor service

St Nicholas

St Nicholas is a village church with a rich history but is today an active place of worship with a dedicated church community seeking to serve the whole of the parish. We are a liberally inclined, inclusive, and, we hope, friendly community which values Anglican traditional worship alongside more contemporary expressions of faith and worship. Our website is at https://stnicholasislip.wordpress.com/

In 1987 the five parishes of Islip, Noke, Woodeaton, Charlton-on-Otmoor and Oddington were united into a single benefice. In 2001 this benefice was combined with that of Ambrosden, Merton and Piddington to form the Ray Valley Benefice under a single rector.

Get in touch

What's on

Good Friday - Millennium Wood

for 1 hour
Jacob's Field
Jacob's Field, Bridge Street Islip Oxfordshire, OX5 2TD

Process to Jacob's Field for outdoor service


St Nicholas Church, Islip, as part of the Ray Valley Benefice, takes very seriously the importance of safeguarding children and vulnerable adults with whom the parish has contact. Our safeguarding policy is reviewed annually by the PCC and our Parish Safeguarding Officer is Mr Nigel Lambert (01865 331404 or [email protected]).
In the first instance, any concerns should be raised with one of the churchwardens, David Hughes or Kathryn Grant.
The Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser is Stuart Nimmo, on 01865 208290 or [email protected]. The Local Authority designated office is [email protected] or 01865 810603. Please visit the Diocesan Safeguarding website for more information.