Related Churches
Aston Upthorpe: All Saints
What’s Happening at All Saints Aston Tirrold:
Greetings from the clergy and all from All Saints Aston Upthorpe. How may we help you? Please do get in touch! We would love to communicate with you. Give us a call 01235 850267 or email [email protected] or online. See the Churn Benefice Newletter.
Easter Week Services
Click here to see services within the Churn Benefice in Easter Week.
Lent Groups and Recommended Reading
Our Lent leaflets are available in our churches but can also be downloaded from our website via this link
MONUMENTS AND MEMORIALS on Mondays from 10th March, Father Jason will be leading a tour around the churches looking at church monuments and the stories they tell.
CHURCHES TOGETHER LENT GROUP 2025. Led by the Rev. Josie Midwinter and meeting at Jenny Loder’s house, 75 Loyd Road in Didcot, on Friday mornings from 10.30 am - 12 noon, beginning on Friday 7 March.
HOME GROUP TASTER SESSIONS with refreshments! Sessions led by Revd Louise on four Welcome, Worship, Word and Witnes, at The Charity School House, Church Road, Blewbury 7.30 -8pm, 12thMarch and 9th April.
QUIET TIME – ONLINE COMPLINE Every weekday Monday to Friday at 8pm there is a short online service of reflective night prayer or “compline”. It lasts about 10 minutes and is a wonderful way of winding down at the end of the day. Join
FELLOWSHIP DURING LENT There will be hot soup lunches served at St Andrew’s Church on Saturdays between 12:30 – 2:00pm during Lent from 8th March – 12th April (inclusive).
Planet Earth Bishop Steven's message is a must watch: the biblical imperative for Christians to invest resources to restore nature alongside working towards net zero.
The Middle East. For Emergency Appeal and prayers to the people of Palestine and Isreal see Notices.
You are welcome to join local people in our Services at All Saints Aston Upthorpe and St Michael's Aston Tirrold. A Eucharist Service is held at All Saints', Aston Upthorpe at 9am on the first Sunday of each month. A Eucharist Service is held at St Michael's, Aston Tirrold at 9am on the third Sunday of each month. Other services take place at Festivals and special occasions. See the servcies tab for more details. We meet with the rest of the Churn Benefice, which serves the Astons, North and South Moreton, East Hagbourne, Blewbury and Upton, for online worship at 10:30 every Sunday and weekday evenings at 8:00 pm for ten minutes. Join us any weekday night at 8pm for a short service of night prayer. Links and codes for these are on the website under the services tab.
Click on these links for information about activities in the Benefice: Sunday Services in our Churches and on line, Weekday Compline Service, Midweek Communion, Men’s Breakfast Group (First Saturday of the month), Churn Cygnets Youth Group (1st Sunday of the month) and Churn Climate Action Group. Home Communion is available to anyone who is unable to get to church through sickness or frailty, either for a short time or on a long term basis. If you, or anyone you know, would like to receive Holy Communion at home, please contact The Revd Louise Butler on 07837 009730. Full COVID precautions will be followed.
Climate Action. The Anglican Fifth Mark of Mission inspires us to ‘To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth’. The Churn Churches Climate Action Group encourages conversation and action to reduce the impact of Climate Change within the communities served by the Churn Benefice. We urge all who are concerned about the impact of climate change to write to our MPs to make them aware that action to address the Climate Emergency must be taken by all Government Departments Follow the links for: More about writing to MPs, Action to reduce our carbon footprint, Actions to encourage businesses to address the Climate Emergency.
Anxious about the future? We can put you in touch with someone to talk to in these difficult times. See Ways of Supporting Each Other on the Benefice website.
See a three minute video explaining Christianity. Grow in your everyday faith. Oxford Diocese offers a range of bitesize and Going Deeper courses on the Diocesan Learning Hub for those who want to explore faith further. In particular, the Story of Scripture, which explains how the bible fits together as a unified story, might be of interest. There are also longer Study Group courses which run on a termly basis and can be signed up for on a rolling cycle.
St John the Baptist's Church, South Moreton
Welcome to South Moreton Church and thanks for looking us up! Dedicated to St John the Baptist, we are the Parish Church for our village and part of the Church Benefice Group of Churches. We hold regular services at 1030 am on the second Sunday of the month and at Christmas and Easter, with outside services for Remembrance Sunday, Rogation Sunday and carol singing. We can also join in the online services run by our Benefice every Sunday at 10.30 which you can read about at The Churn Benefice (see menu left) .
Most of our administration, including arranging Baptisms, weddings and funerals, is handled through the Churn Benefice Office in Blewbury, where Jason, our Rector, is based. He would love to hear from you so please do get in touch! You can call him or our Administrator on 01235 850267 or email [email protected] . In the village, you are also welcome to call Simon Hill, one of our churchwardens, on 07733 266395 or email him on [email protected] .
Please scroll down for an overview of what's going on or select items from the menu on the left.
St Michael & All Angels
What’s Happening at St Michael & All Angels, Blewbury:
Greetings from the clergy and all from St Michael and All Angels in Blewbury. We wanted to let you know what is happening here and the other churches in the Churn Benefice. While the church buildings are closed for most of the time, the church community continue to be very active. How may we help you? Please do get in touch!. We would love to communicate with you. Give us a call 01235 850267 or email [email protected] or online. See the Churn Benefice Newletter.
Easter Week Services
Click here to see services within the Churn Benefice in Easter Week.
Lent Groups and Recommended Reading
Our Lent leaflets are available in our churches but can also be downloaded from our website via this link
MONUMENTS AND MEMORIALS on Mondays from 10th March, Father Jason will be leading a tour around the churches looking at church monuments and the stories they tell.
CHURCHES TOGETHER LENT GROUP 2025. Led by the Rev. Josie Midwinter and meeting at Jenny Loder’s house, 75 Loyd Road in Didcot, on Friday mornings from 10.30 am - 12 noon, beginning on Friday 7 March.
HOME GROUP TASTER SESSIONS with refreshments! Sessions led by Revd Louise on four Welcome, Worship, Word and Witnes, at The Charity School House, Church Road, Blewbury 7.30 -8pm, 12thMarch and 9th April.
QUIET TIME – ONLINE COMPLINE Every weekday Monday to Friday at 8pm there is a short online service of reflective night prayer or “compline”. It lasts about 10 minutes and is a wonderful way of winding down at the end of the day. Join
FELLOWSHIP DURING LENT There will be hot soup lunches served at St Andrew’s Church on Saturdays between 12:30 – 2:00pm during Lent from 8th March – 12th April (inclusive).
Planet Earth Bishop Steven's message is a must watch: the biblical imperative for Christians to invest resources to restore nature alongside working towards net zero.
The Middle East. For Emergency Appeal and prayers to the people of Palestine and Isreal see Notices
You are welcome to join local people in our Services. A Eucharist Service is held in St Michael ans All Angels Church at 8am on the first Sunday of each month and at 10.30am on the second Sunday of each month. Holy Communionis held at 10am on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month and a Mother's Union Holy Communion on the third Tuesday. Other services take place at Festivals and special occasions. See the servcies tab for more details. We meet with the rest of the Churn Benefice, which serves the Astons, North and South Moreton, East Hagbourne, Blewbury and Upton, for online worship at 10:30 every Sunday and weekday evenings at 8:00 pm for ten minutes. Join us any weekday night at 8pm for a short service of night prayer. Links and codes for these are on the website under the services tab.
Click on these links for information about activities in the Benefice: Sunday Services in our Churches and on line, Weekday Compline Service, Midweek Communion, Men’s Breakfast Group (First Saturday of the month), Churn Cygnets Youth Group (1st Sunday of the month) and Churn Climate Action Group.
Home Communion is available to anyone who is unable to get to church through sickness or frailty, either for a short time or on a long term basis. If you, or anyone you know, would like to receive Holy Communion at home, please contact The Revd Louise Butler on 07837 009730. Full COVID precautions will be followed.
Climate Action. The Anglican Fifth Mark of Mission inspires us to ‘To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth’. The Churn Churches Climate Action Group encourages conversation and action to reduce the impact of Climate Change within the communities served by the Churn Benefice. We urge all who are concerned about the impact of climate change to write to our MPs to make them aware that action to address the Climate Emergency must be taken by all Government Departments Follow the links for: More about writing to MPs, Action to reduce our carbon footprint, Actions to encourage businesses to address the Climate Emergency.
Watch a three minute video explaining Christianity. Grow in your everyday faith. Oxford Diocese offers a range of bitesize and Going Deeper courses on the Diocesan Learning Hub for those who want to explore faith further. In particular, the Story of Scripture, which explains how the bible fits together as a unified story, might be of interest. There are also longer Study Group courses which run on a termly basis and can be signed up for on a rolling cycle.
Anxious about the future? We can put you in touch with someone to talk to in these difficult times. See Ways of Supporting Each Other on the Benefice website.
Private Prayer. St.Michael’s, Blewbury is now open for private worship at the following times: Wednesdays: 10am-12 noon Saturdays: 2-4pm. For the safety of others, please wear a face covering when you enter the church.
St Andrew
What’s Happening at the St Andrews:
Greetings from the clergy and all from St Andrews in Hagbourne. How may we help you? Please do get in touch! We would love to communicate with you. Give us a call 01235 850267 or email [email protected] or online. See the Churn Benefice Newletter.
Easter Week Services
Click here to see services within the Churn Benefice in Easter Week.
Lent Groups and Recommended Reading
Our Lent leaflets are available in our churches but can also be downloaded from our website via this link
MONUMENTS AND MEMORIALS on Mondays from 10th March, Father Jason will be leading a tour around the churches looking at church monuments and the stories they tell.
CHURCHES TOGETHER LENT GROUP 2025. Led by the Rev. Josie Midwinter and meeting at Jenny Loder’s house, 75 Loyd Road in Didcot, on Friday mornings from 10.30 am - 12 noon, beginning on Friday 7 March.
HOME GROUP TASTER SESSIONS with refreshments! Sessions led by Revd Louise on four Welcome, Worship, Word and Witnes, at The Charity School House, Church Road, Blewbury 7.30 -8pm, 12thMarch and 9th April.
QUIET TIME – ONLINE COMPLINE Every weekday Monday to Friday at 8pm there is a short online service of reflective night prayer or “compline”. It lasts about 10 minutes and is a wonderful way of winding down at the end of the day. Join
FELLOWSHIP DURING LENT There will be hot soup lunches served at St Andrew’s Church on Saturdays between 12:30 – 2:00pm during Lent from 8th March – 12th April (inclusive).
Planet Earth Bishop Steven's message is a must watch: the biblical imperative for Christians to invest resources to restore nature alongside working towards net zero.
The Middle East. For Emergency Appeal and prayers to the people of Palestine and Isreal see Notices.
You are welcome to join local people in our Services. A Eucharist Service is held in St Andrew Church at 10.30 am on the first and third Sundays of each month and at weekday Communion at 10am every Wednesday. Other services take place at Festivals and special occasions. See the servcies tab for more details. For the safety of others, please wear a face covering. Social distancing will be observed.We meet with the rest of the Churn Benefice, which serves the Astons, North and South Moreton, East Hagbourne, Blewbury and Upton, for online worship at 10:30 every Sunday and weekday evenings at 8:00 pm for ten minutes. Join us any weekday night at 8pm for a short service of night prayer. Links and codes for these are on the website under the services tab.
Click on these links for information about activities in the Benefice: Sunday Services in our Churches and on line, Weekday Compline Service, Midweek Communion, Men’s Breakfast Group (First Saturday of the month), Churn Cygnets Youth Group (1st Sunday of the month) and Churn Climate Action Group.
Home Communion is available to anyone who is unable to get to church through sickness or frailty, either for a short time or on a long term basis. If you, or anyone you know, would like to receive Holy Communion at home, please contact The Revd Louise Butler on 07837 009730. Full COVID precautions will be followed.
Climate Action. The Anglican Fifth Mark of Mission inspires us to ‘To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth’. The Churn Churches Climate Action Group encourages conversation and action to reduce the impact of Climate Change within the communities served by the Churn Benefice. We urge all who are concerned about the impact of climate change to write to our MPs to make them aware that action to address the Climate Emergency must be taken by all Government Departments Follow the links for: More about writing to MPs, Action to reduce our carbon footprint, Actions to encourage businesses to address the Climate Emergency.
Watch a three minute video explaining Christianity. Grow in your everyday faith. Oxford Diocese offers a range of bitesize and Going Deeper courses on the Diocesan Learning Hub for those who want to explore faith further. In particular, the Story of Scripture, which explains how the bible fits together as a unified story, might be of interest. There are also longer Study Group courses which run on a termly basis and can be signed up for on a rolling cycle.
Anxious about the future? We can put you in touch with someone to talk to in these difficult times. See Ways of Supporting Each Other on the Benefice website.
Private Prayer. St. Andrew’s, Hagbourne is now open for private worship at the following times: Wednesdays & Saturdays: 10am-12 noon, Sundays: 9am - 5pm. For the safety of others, please wear a face covering when you enter the church.
North Moreton: All Saints'
What’s Happening at All Saints', North Moreton:
Greetings from the clergy and all from St Michaels Aston Tirrold. How may we help you? Please do get in touch!. We would love to communicate with you. Give us a call 01235 850267 or email [email protected] or online. See the Churn Benefice Newletter.
Easter Week Services
Click here to see services within the Churn Benefice in Easter Week.
Lent Groups and Recommended Reading
Our Lent leaflets are available in our churches but can also be downloaded from our website via this link
MONUMENTS AND MEMORIALS on Mondays from 10th March, Father Jason will be leading a tour around the churches looking at church monuments and the stories they tell.
CHURCHES TOGETHER LENT GROUP 2025. Led by the Rev. Josie Midwinter and meeting at Jenny Loder’s house, 75 Loyd Road in Didcot, on Friday mornings from 10.30 am - 12 noon, beginning on Friday 7 March.
HOME GROUP TASTER SESSIONS with refreshments! Sessions led by Revd Louise on four Welcome, Worship, Word and Witnes, at The Charity School House, Church Road, Blewbury 7.30 -8pm, 12thMarch and 9th April.
QUIET TIME – ONLINE COMPLINE Every weekday Monday to Friday at 8pm there is a short online service of reflective night prayer or “compline”. It lasts about 10 minutes and is a wonderful way of winding down at the end of the day. Join
FELLOWSHIP DURING LENT There will be hot soup lunches served at St Andrew’s Church on Saturdays between 12:30 – 2:00pm during Lent from 8th March – 12th April (inclusive).
Planet Earth Bishop Steven's message is a must watch: the biblical imperative for Christians to invest resources to restore nature alongside working towards net zero.
The Middle East. For Emergency Appeal and prayers to the people of Palestine and Isreal see Notices.
You are welcome to join local people in our Services. A ParishService is held in All Saints Church at 4pm every Sunday. Other services take place at Festivals and special occasions. See the servcies tab for more details. We meet with the rest of the Churn Benefice, which serves the Astons, North and South Moreton, East Hagbourne, Blewbury and Upton, for online worship at 10:30 every Sunday and weekday evenings at 8:00 pm for ten minutes. Join us any weekday night at 8pm for a short service of night prayer. Links and codes for these are on the website under the services tab.
Click on these links for information about activities in the Benefice: Sunday Services in our Churches and on line, Weekday Compline Service, Midweek Communion, Men’s Breakfast Group (First Saturday of the month), Churn Cygnets Youth Group (1st Sunday of the month) and Churn Climate Action Group.
Home Communion is available to anyone who is unable to get to church through sickness or frailty, either for a short time or on a long term basis. If you, or anyone you know, would like to receive Holy Communion at home, please contact The Revd Louise Butler on 07837 009730. Full COVID precautions will be followed.
Climate Action. The Anglican Fifth Mark of Mission inspires us to ‘To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth’. The Churn Churches Climate Action Group encourages conversation and action to reduce the impact of Climate Change within the communities served by the Churn Benefice. We urge all who are concerned about the impact of climate change to write to our MPs to make them aware that action to address the Climate Emergency must be taken by all Government Departments Follow the links for: More about writing to MPs, Action to reduce our carbon footprint, Actions to encourage businesses to address the Climate Emergency.
Anxious about the future? We can put you in touch with someone to talk to in these difficult times. See Ways of Supporting Each Other on the Benefice website.
Watch a three minute video explaining Christianity. Grow in your everyday faith. Oxford Diocese offers a range of bitesize and Going Deeper courses on the Diocesan Learning Hub for those who want to explore faith further. In particular, the Story of Scripture, which explains how the bible fits together as a unified story, might be of interest. There are also longer Study Group courses which run on a termly basis and can be signed up for on a rolling cycle.
Aston Tirrold: St Michaels
What’s Happening at St Michaels Aston Tirrold:
Greetings from the clergy and all from St Michaels Aston Tirrold. How may we help you? Please do get in touch!. We would love to communicate with you. Give us a call 01235 850267 or email [email protected] or online. See the Churn Benefice Newletter.
Easter Week Services
Click here to see services within the Churn Benefice in Easter Week.
Lent Groups and Recommended Reading
Our Lent leaflets are available in our churches but can also be downloaded from our website via this link
MONUMENTS AND MEMORIALS on Mondays from 10th March, Father Jason will be leading a tour around the churches looking at church monuments and the stories they tell.
CHURCHES TOGETHER LENT GROUP 2025. Led by the Rev. Josie Midwinter and meeting at Jenny Loder’s house, 75 Loyd Road in Didcot, on Friday mornings from 10.30 am - 12 noon, beginning on Friday 7 March.
HOME GROUP TASTER SESSIONS with refreshments! Sessions led by Revd Louise on four Welcome, Worship, Word and Witnes, at The Charity School House, Church Road, Blewbury 7.30 -8pm, 12thMarch and 9th April.
QUIET TIME – ONLINE COMPLINE Every weekday Monday to Friday at 8pm there is a short online service of reflective night prayer or “compline”. It lasts about 10 minutes and is a wonderful way of winding down at the end of the day. Join
FELLOWSHIP DURING LENT There will be hot soup lunches served at St Andrew’s Church on Saturdays between 12:30 – 2:00pm during Lent from 8th March – 12th April (inclusive).
Planet Earth. Bishop Steven's message is a must watch: the biblical imperative for Christians to invest resources to restore nature alongside working towards net zero.
You are welcome to join local people in our Services. A Eucharist Service is held in St Michael's Church at 9am on the third Sunday of each month. A Eucharist Service is held in All Saint's Church, Aston Upthorpe at 9am on the first Sunday of each month. Other services take place at Festivals and special occasions. See the servcies tab for more details. We meet with the rest of the Churn Benefice, which serves the Astons, North and South Moreton, East Hagbourne, Blewbury and Upton, for online worship at 10:30 every Sunday and weekday evenings at 8:00 pm for ten minutes. Join us any weekday night at 8pm for a short service of night prayer. Links and codes for these are on the website under the services tab.
The Misddle East. For Emergency Appeal and prayers to the people of Palestine and Isreal see Notices.
Click on these links for information about activities in the Benefice: Sunday Services in our Churches and on line, Weekday Compline Service, Midweek Communion, Men’s Breakfast Group (First Saturday of the month), Churn Cygnets Youth Group (1st Sunday of the month) and Churn Climate Action Group.
Home Communion is available to anyone who is unable to get to church through sickness or frailty, either for a short time or on a long term basis. If you, or anyone you know, would like to receive Holy Communion at home, please contact The Revd Louise Butler on 07837 009730. Full COVID precautions will be followed.
Climate Action.The Anglican Fifth Mark of Mission inspires us to ‘To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth’. The Churn Churches Climate Action Group encourages conversation and action to reduce the impact of Climate Change within the communities served by the Churn Benefice. We urge all who are concerned about the impact of climate change to write to our MPs to make them aware that action to address the Climate Emergency must be taken by all Government Departments Follow the links for: More about writing to MPs, Action to reduce our carbon footprint, Actions to encourage businesses to address the Climate Emergency.
Anxious about the future? We can put you in touch with someone to talk to in these difficult times. See Ways of Supporting Each Other on the Benefice website.
Watch a three minute video explaining Christianity. Grow in your everyday faith. Oxford Diocese offers a range of bitesize and Going Deeper courses on the Diocesan Learning Hub for those who want to explore faith further. In particular, the Story of Scripture, which explains how the bible fits together as a unified story, might be of interest. There are also longer Study Group courses which run on a termly basis and can be signed up for on a rolling cycle.
Location information
If you've spotted any issues in the contact information, please contact the church by selecting the following link.
Report an IssueProof of charity status
Most churches are “Excepted Charities” and are therefore not registered with the Charity Commission. You can download a PDF that includes your church name, address and church code. This PDF, which is an extract from the Church of England’s database of churches, can serve as a certificate for churches requiring proof of their charity status when registering for online and card-based giving. Click on the download button below and log into your account. Once logged in, click on the download button and the certificate will be downloaded straight to your device. If you do not have an account, you can register here.