Related Churches
St Nicholas Church, Leicester
All are welcome at St Nicholas, Leicester's oldest church. People have been worshipping God in this building since the 800's, and we continue to offer an gentle and welcoming space where people can find God and themselves through prayer and reflection.
We are a member of the Inclusive Church Network, and have been welcoming and affirming LGBTQIA+ people for well over 50 years. Sited in the centre of the multicultural city of Leicester, we are also proud to be part of the Diocesan Intercultural Worshipping Communities project.
Here we work together and learn from each other, so that as a community we may better reflect and celebrate the wondrous diversity of God's creation. Come and be who God created you to be, without fear of judgement or exclusion.
Leicester: The Good Shepherd
We are the church of the Good Shepherd..a ministry for the Deaf and Hard of hearing people based within the Diocese of Leicester.
We are a congregation of worshippers who communicate in British Sign Language (BSL). All services and events are accessible for Deaf people, their hearing friends and family. BSL students are welcome and people who may have used BSl in the past.
Our church is based within the Deaf ministry space in 12 Frog island Leicester. LE3 5AG. We are knitted within Leicester Deaf centre and the local Deaf community.
Please do get in touch for further information. We welcome new people into our church life and ministry.
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Most churches are “Excepted Charities” and are therefore not registered with the Charity Commission. You can download a PDF that includes your church name, address and church code. This PDF, which is an extract from the Church of England’s database of churches, can serve as a certificate for churches requiring proof of their charity status when registering for online and card-based giving. Click on the download button below and log into your account. Once logged in, click on the download button and the certificate will be downloaded straight to your device. If you do not have an account, you can register here.