Open Church

Every Saturday at for 2 hours
St Nicholas Church, Leicester
St Nicholas Church, St Nicholas Circle, Leicester, LE1 4LB, United Kingdom

St Nicholas Church is open every Saturday afternoon from 12:00-16:00. Come and explore Leicester's oldest church!

Evening Prayer

Every Saturday at for 30 mins
St Nicholas Church, Leicester
St Nicholas Church, St Nicholas Circle, Leicester, LE1 4LB, United Kingdom

Every Saturday we gather in the Lady Chapel for a gentle, contemplative, and informal service of Evening Prayer, following the Church of England book of Daily Prayer.

Join us in this ancient place, and be held by prayer, liturgy, and silence.

Sunday Eucharist

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Nicholas Church, Leicester
St Nicholas Church, St Nicholas Circle, Leicester, LE1 4LB, United Kingdom

The Eucharist has been celebrated here for over 1100 years, come and join us as we continue that legacy of prayer.

At St Nicholas we use the Church of England’s Common Worship liturgy, and follow the Lectionary and the Liturgical Year.

We are an explicitly inclusive church, and encourage you to come as you are, so don’t worry if you’ve never been to church before, or are returning after a long time away, all are welcome here. There are fidget toys available for those who need them, as well as a craft table for children. More information on what to expect can be found at our website:

Please do stay after the service is over, refreshments will be available, and we’d be delighted to have a chat with you (if you want that).