Facilities and features
Fully-accessible toilets are found in the corridor beyond the church
Available in the disabled toilet
There is limited parking available behind the church, in private car park shared with users of the church hall. There is a public car park in Woodside Road with a pedestrian exit opposite the church. No charge for this in the evening or on Sundays.
Disabled facilities are also available.
situated in St. Michael's Square
There are no steps to enter the front of St. Michael's from Sycamore Road.
Large print service sheets are available on request on arrival.
Our Building
Currently open Monday - Friday 10.00am - 4.00pm
There are beautiful stained glass windows at at the entrance to St. Michael's. These were created recently by local stained glass maker, Suzanne Raffelini.
Music and Worship
The choir currently sing at the 10am Sunday Eucharist once a month, and on special festival Sundays.
Groups, Courses and Activities
Crafty Cuppa - 2nd and 4th Fridays in the month. 10.30am - 11.30am
Pop in & Paint - 1st Friday of the month. 10.30am-12pm. No cost. Materials provided. Just turn up.
Messy Church is held in St. Michael's on the third Saturday of each month, except August.
Help for Visitors
A Guide to the Church is available in paper form in the Narthex/Entrance Church, and also on the website, https://www.stmichaelsamersham.org.uk/about/guide-to-the-church-building/
There is also a Welcome leaflet giving details about forthcoming special services and regular activities.
The church is currently open from 10.00am - 4.00pm Monday - Friday. Everyone is welcome to come in just to sit; to light a candle or to leave a card on the Prayer Tree.
Other Features
Available after the 10.00am service on the second Sunday of each month.
Further information can be found on the church website. http://www.stmichaelsamersham.org.uk/community-use/hiring-st-michaels-for-community-events/