Although many of us use the church to mark significant moments in our lives, it is there for the enjoyment and appreciation of everyone.

Our ancesters built and furnished the church to very high standards and we should pass on this excellence to our children and grandchildren. We feel that many people in Dersingham, past residents and visitors, would want to preserve this fine building and its fixtures and fittings for the benefit of future generations. The sole aim of the Friends of St Nicholas is to hlep the Vicar and Churchwardens maintain our church building and its contents and not for any other purpose.

You do not have to be a member of the church or even a regular worshipper. However being a friend does mean that you will have the satisfaction of joining in the valuable task of helping to sustain the village's chief asset and thus continuing the work of dedicated church carers.

All it requires is a donation of £5.00 (or more!) as the first donation. A Gift Declaraion by you will enable our charity to claim back an additional 25p for every £1.00 that you give.