Related Churches
Sisland: St Mary
Welcome to St Mary, Sisland. We are a small country church, meeting for worship twice a month with services from the Book of Common Prayer.
Until recently, we have been posting a new Sunday service every week on our Chet Valley Churches YouTube channel. We started in March 2020 and continued until Easter Day 2023. They are all still available to watch or to use as an aid to worship. We have also made congregation-friendly videos of nearly 550 hymns and songs, all of which are also on our channel. These have been viewed and used in over 150 countries across the world.
The church will be open for private prayer during daylight hours.
Hardley: St Margaret
Welcome to St Margaret, Hardley. We are a small rural congregation, with a service of Morning Worship on the fourth Sunday of the month.
Until recently, we have been posting a new Sunday service every week on our Chet Valley Churches YouTube channel. We started in March 2020 and continued until Easter Day 2023. They are all still available to watch or to use as an aid to worship. We have also made congregation-friendly videos of nearly 550 hymns and songs, all of which are also on our channel. These have been viewed and used in over 150 countries across the world.
The church will be open for private prayer during daylight hours.
Chedgrave: All Saints
Welcome to All Saints, Chedgrave. We are a lively church with a range of services from traditional Prayer Book communion to a monthly Fresh Expression of Church. We are a family-friendly congregation with the services on the first and third Sundays, Xpressions Café and All Together Worship, being especially suitable for families and newcomers.
Until recently, we have been posting a new Sunday service every week on our Chet Valley Churches YouTube channel. We started in March 2020 and continued until Easter Day 2023. They are all still available to watch or to use as an aid to worship. We have also made congregation-friendly videos of nearly 550 hymns and songs, all of which are also on our channel. These have been viewed and used in over 150 countries across the world.
The church will be open for private prayer during daylight hours.
Stay in touch with us by following our Facebook page and keeping up to date with all we are doing.
Langley: St Michael and All Saints
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