Facilities and features
Parking in the street by the church or in neighbouring Church Lane
There is a Defibrillator on a building on the opposite side of the road by the coach hire garage.
Level floor from the street and level within the church except within sanctuary
Any quiet well-behaved dogs are welcome at all services
Made available on prior request
Our Building
Listed Grade I
Most of the windows have clear glass but there are fragments of old glass in some chancel windows and there are 20th panels of mainly heraldic glass by Michael Farrar Bell
Music and Worship
The organist (who also has other roles in the church) built the small 1m/p organ in 1987 (He tunes organs professionally)
Monthly Evensong
Groups, Courses and Activities
Occasional fellowship group run by the House-for-duty priest resident in the village. Usually every Monday during Lent
Occasional coffee mornings
Help for Visitors
Some information available in the church but no printed guidebook at present.
Other Features
Church is in the centre of village in a defined area of stone built houses, some with thatched roofs.