Messy Church in Etwall

What is Messy Church? It's church, but not as you know it.

Messy Church is for everyone where every element aims to be relevant and accessible to all ages. It is outward-facing and welcoming enabling everybody to enjoy the hospitality and unconditional love of God. Our celebration involves marking significant events, and our values are about being Christ-centred, for all ages, based on creativity, hospitality and celebration. Messy Church is a church that helps people encounter Jesus as Lord and Saviour, and reflects a God of joy who wants people to have life in all its fullness. 

For more information and to get involved visit the Messy Church Website: What is Messy Church? - Messy Church : Messy Church

Messy Church in Etwall is held at The Methodist Chapel, Willington Road, DE65 6HX.

Next Messy Church:

April: Saturday 19th at 10.30am - the Saturday before Easter at St Helen's Church in the village - Easter Crafts Only

May: Saturday 3rd May at 10.30am - back at the Methodist Chapel

June: Saturday 7th June at 10.30am

July: Saturday 5th July at 10.30am - Summer Party