Services in Churches across our benefice
- Occurring
- Every Sunday at for 1 hour
- Venue
- Various locations - see service details below
- Address Various locations - see service details below
The following services will be taking place across the churches in our benefice:-
March 16th - Holy Communion - 9.30am - St Michael's, Kirk Langley
March 23rd - Holy Communion - 9.30am - All Saints', Mugginton
March 23rd - Morning Prayer - 9.30am - St Michael's, Kirk Langley
March 30th - Morning Prayer - 9.30am - St Michael's, Kirk Langley
March 30th - Joint Benefice Morning Prayer with Baptism - 10.30am - All Saints', Mugginton
March 30th - All Age Holy Communion with Baptism - 11.15am - St Chad's, Longford
April 4th - School End of Term Service - 2.30pm - All Saints', Mugginton
April 6th - Holy Communion - 9.30am - St Michael's, Kirk Langley
April 6th - Holy Communion - 10.30am - Christ Church, Long Lane
April 13th - Morning Prayer - 9.15am - Christ Church, Long Lane
April 13th - Morning Prayer - 9.30am - St Michael's, Kirk Langley
April 13th - Holy Communion - 9.30am - All Saints', Mugginton
April 17th - Holy Communion - 7.30pm - St Michael's, Kirk Langley
April 18th - Hour Before the Cross - 2pm - All Saints', Mugginton
April 20th - Holy Communion - 9.30am - St Michael's, Kirk Langley
April 20th - Holy Communion - 9.30am - All Saints', Mugginton
April 20th - All Age Holy Communion - 11.15am - St Chad's, Longford
April 27th - Morning Prayer - 9.30am - St Michael's, Kirk Langley