Spring Festival feedback

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Although the weather was a bit wild, we had another successful Spring Festival this year. We've gathered the comments left by the people who came along and compiled a Word Cloud (See the picture). Many of the participants also wrote in to give positive comments. Such as: 

"I did enjoy the day, and especially the racial diversity bought such richness to the day. I also thought that we inside benefited from the out door activities coming inside, there was almost always something interesting going on to watch or listen to. All the dancing by children brought in their proud families as another addition to the day and welled the number of audience." Stall holder

"We enjoyed the festival; several of us stayed to watch the singers and dancers for the rest of the afternoon – a lot of talent there!"  Choir member

"It was lovely to take part in a community event with such a good vibe!! The young people we met were courteous and interested in what we were doing, and the organisation was excellent, especially considering the inclement weather! Thanks for the food and drinks, we felt well looked after." Morris Dancers

"It was an absolute pleasure to be a part of the event. The children absolutely loved every minute of it so thank you for giving them an opportunity to perform." Dance Academy

"We had such a good day, despite the weather, and I thought you coped admirably. You must still be recovering 😁 ..... was still great for my drummers to perform on stage. Some of them hadn't done that before!" African Drummers

"Just to let you know, that opening the church today was a huge success. After a slow start, I lost count of the numbers that came in from 1.00pm. Some very interesting conversations." St Mary's organist  

"It was a honour and a pleasure to be there and support you . We love the work you do and it’s wonderful to walk alongside you in ministry." local church puppet team

"I am really pleased that the community event went well and everyone enjoyed our student performances. Opey has done a remarkable job in enthusing our students and building up their courage to perform." Head of Secondary School Avanti Fields

As a parish church, we are fortunate to serve a great community in Humberstone. We believe it's important to provide this vibrant & inclusive event as a gift to our community. We could not do it without the help and support of our outstanding local Academy who gift us the use of their premises - thank you Odyssey Learning Trust. Also, in the past we have received ward funding from the City Council - we hope that this might happen again. Thank you to all our supporters & to the local community.

We pray for continued peace, grace and hope in Humberstone.