You’re invited to church this Christmas!

You are very welcome at our Advent and Christmas services and events – bring your family and friends or come along on your own. Whether it will be your first time at church or you have been before, we look forward to welcoming you!

for 1 hour
Venue Address
Barnett Wood Lane Ashtead, KT21 2DA, United Kingdom
The perfect blend of traditional and modern carols played in a modern arrangement by a live band.

Everyone is welcome!

You are welcome to join us for seasonal refreshments which will be served after the event.
for 1 hour
Venue Address
Barnett Wood Lane Ashtead, KT21 2DA, United Kingdom
Families are invited to join us for our special Christingle service.

Our younger visitors will be given a Christingle. Made from an orange, a candle, a red ribbon, cocktail sticks and sweets, each of these items has a specific meaning behind it, which we will share as we explore the story of God's love for the world at Christmas.

We will then turn down the lights and light up the candles as we complete our story with songs and words in celebration of the birth of Jesus - Light of the World.
for 1 hour
Venue Address
Barnett Wood Lane Ashtead, KT21 2DA, United Kingdom
We look forward to welcoming you to our Carols & Mince pies service! We'll sing carols together, eat mince pies and drink some mulled wine.
for 1 hour
Venue Address
Barnett Wood Lane Ashtead, KT21 2DA, United Kingdom
All families with children under 10 are welcome to join us on Christmas Eve for a special 'Pop up' nativity service.

Children (and adults if you would like to) can come dressed up as their favourite nativity character, or borrow one of our costumes, and join in with this special 'sparkly' performance.

The script has been adapted from the Bible Study's book about the Christmas story - The Shiny Bright Sparkling Light; a children's book written to help make the Christmas story simple and fun for younger readers. The children's team are looking forward to assigning parts and helping the actors with their lines in this fun-packed fabulously festive nativity.

After the performance there will be seasonal refreshments available in the hall and a selection of toys and games for the children to play.
for 1 hour
Venue Address
Barnett Wood Lane Ashtead, KT21 2DA, United Kingdom
We look forward to welcoming you to our popular Carols & Mince pies service! We'll sing carols together, eat mince pies and drink some mulled wine.
for 1 hour
Venue Address
Barnett Wood Lane Ashtead, KT21 2DA, United Kingdom
Join us as we celebrate this special day in an all age service with live music.