Ride and Stride 2025
- Occurring
- for 8 hours
- Venue
- St John the Baptist
- Address Churchway Stone Aylesbury, HP17 8RG, United Kingdom
Once again, we are opening St John the Baptist for the Bucks Historic Churches, Ride and Stride on Saturday 13th September 2025.
St John the Baptist will be open 10:00 – 18:00 with refreshments avaliable.
About Ride and Stride
Participants may be cyclists, walkers, horse-riders or drivers of mobility scooters. They can be of any age, but under-13s must be accompanied by an adult. All denominations are welcome.
Visit as many churches as you like, planning your own route. Seek sponsorship from friends, relations and colleagues, so much per church visited or a lump sum. More detail at: https://ridestride.org/
Ride + Stride is an event like no other why not take part this year and find out for yourself what extraordinary things lie behind the churchyard gates of Buckinghamshire’s many churches and chapels.
Ride + Stride is open to walkers as well as horse-riders and cyclists – in fact to anyone using a non-mechanical form of transport. It always takes place on the second Saturday of September between 10.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m., and the object is to raise money for the repair and restoration of churches and chapels of any Christian denomination in Buckinghamshire. Half the money raised goes to the church or chapel of the participant’s choice, and the other half is added to a general fund which is administered by the Buckinghamshire Historic Churches Trust. If you do not wish to nominate a church, you can instead donate 100% of the money raise direct to the Historic Churches Trust.
Churches are encouraged to make applications to BHCT for grants to help with church repairs and restoration.