News From Thelveton with Frenze

News from Thelveton with Frenze Summer 2024

As the weather warms up we are looking forward to arranging our annual walk to Frenze Church with a picnic in the churchyard, and evening prayer in the church. No fixed date yet, but we will be putting out leaflets and posters nearer the time.

For anyone who hasn’t walked part of the Boudicca Way from Thelveton to Frenze it is a beautiful walk at any time of the year, but especially so in the summer sunshine. The church at Frenze is very special – open every day it is full of history and echoes of worship down the ages. A perfect spot to find peace.

Thelveton Church has always welcomed visits from children and families during Open Churches Week. There is a variety of games and craft activities available inside the church. If the weather is fine the churchyard is a delightful place to experience the peace of the natural world.

We are still opening most Wednesdays, as well as other days when we can get people to open up for us. We are planning to be open every morning from Sunday August 4th to Sunday August 11th with a variety of games and craft activities available. This year I hope to revive the indoor “Fish Trail” which made its first appearance at a Flower Festival in 2014, and to refresh the Churchyard Trail which has suffered a bit over the years, with many of its posts rotting and falling over.

As I write, the Horse Chestnut is beginning to set its conkers, and by the middle of August may well have some conkers ready for our craft activities. If they aren’t ripe enough there are always lots of pine cones left over from last autumn which we can use instead.

May you all have a wonderful summer to enjoy the beauty and inspiration of this countryside in which we are privileged to live.

God bless you all.
