Sunday Worship - Service of the Word

Every Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
Otley Parish Church
Otley Parish Church Kirkgate Otley, LS21 3HW, United Kingdom

This Service of the Word will be held in church but also live streamed for those who prefer to join in from home. We would love to see you in church if you are able to be there. Refreshments will be served after the service. The live stream will be available from 10.30am on Sunday (or anytime after that), via the Otley Parish Church YouTube Channel.

Holy Communion Service

Every Tuesday at for 40 mins
Otley Parish Church
Otley Parish Church Kirkgate Otley, LS21 3HW, United Kingdom

A short service in church with no singing.

Sunday Worship - Service of the Word

Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
Otley Parish Church
Otley Parish Church Kirkgate Otley, LS21 3HW, United Kingdom

This Service of the Word (sometimes including Baptism) will be held in church but also live streamed for those who prefer to join in from home. We would love to see you in church if you are able to be there. Refreshments will be served after the service.

The live stream will be available from 10.30am on Sunday (or anytime after that), via the Otley Parish Church YouTube Channel.

Sunday Worship with Communion

Every Second, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
Otley Parish Church
Otley Parish Church Kirkgate Otley, LS21 3HW, United Kingdom

This Communion Service will be held in church but also live streamed for those who prefer to join in from home. We would love to see you in church if you are able to be there. Refreshments will be served after the service.

The live stream will be available from 10.30am on Sunday (or anytime after that), via the Otley Parish Church YouTube Channel.

Holy Communion Service

Every Third Sunday at for 45 mins
Otley Parish Church
Otley Parish Church Kirkgate Otley, LS21 3HW, United Kingdom

A short service in church with no singing.

Sunday Worship - All-age Service

Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour
Otley Parish Church
Otley Parish Church Kirkgate Otley, LS21 3HW, United Kingdom

This all-age Service of the Word will be held in church but also live streamed for those who prefer to join in from home. We would love to see you in church if you are able to be there. Refreshments will be served after the service.

The live stream will be available from 10.30am on Sunday (or anytime after that), via the Otley Parish Church YouTube Channel.