Vicar's Message for March 2025


Last month I wrote of snowdrops and this month I would like to think of one of my favourite flowers, the daffodil. I find them bright and cheery and am amazed at the huge variety that are available.

Daffodils are of the narcissus family and the plant is named after the hunter in Greek mythology. Narcissus. He was a handsome young man who became so besotted with his own reflection in the water that he ultimately drowned in it and that is why narcissi are said to always hang their heads slightly.

One of the names that is also sometimes given to daffodils is Lent Lilies because their supposed season is the time between Ash Wednesday until Easter Day – Lent, which this year begins on 5th March.

Lent is a time when we are invited to reflect on our lives. Unlike Narcissus we are not called to fall so deeply in love with ourselves that we drown reflecting in our own glory. Rather, we are asked to think about the ways in which we could improve things that are in need of some amendment in our lives and that, in so doing, we might reflect something of the glory of Jesus in how we are in our relationships and dealings with others.

With grace, peace and every blessing

Paul Revd Canon K Paul Arthur

Priest in Charge of Par, Charlestown and Treverbyn