Hethersett: St Remigius
Making Jesus Known; being a welcoming place to find Jesus;
reaching out to you in service and friendship; because our Church is your Church.
St Remigius is open for private prayer between 10am and 4pm or dusk every day.
The Revd Lynn Chapman is the Rector of the Hethersett with Little Melton and Great Melton Benefice.
She can be reached by using the contact form or telephone number on the 'Get in touch' page.
Services in March
2nd : Sunday before Lent 11.00am Family Communion
5th March : Ash Wednesday 10.00am Holy Communion with the Imposition of Ashes
9th March : First Sunday of Lent 11.00am Parish Communion
16th March : Second Sunday of Lent 11.00am Sung Morning Prayer
Methodist Church 4.30pm Café Village Praise
23rd March : Third Sunday of Lent 11.00am Family Service
30th March : Mothering Sunday 10.30am United Benefice Mothering Sunday Service
Wednesday Communion Services at 10am on 12th, 19th and 26th March
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